l’#Afrique doit faire face aux défis liés à sa démographie, il est urgent d’adapter le système financier mondial pour redonner un nouveau souffle à l’économie 🌍
Car la chine contribue à la mainmise par le surendettement ✍️
https://rassemblementnational.fr/communiques/depuis-paris-emmanuel-macron-simprovise-chantre-du-developpement-mondial https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1673938768469069824
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DominiqueBilde/status/1673938768469069824
Re @AfricaEuropeFdn priority areas of action at the #ParisSummit:
1. Build AU-EU coalitions of interest
2. Expedite an AU G20 seat
3. Address Illicit Financial Flows
4. Meet SDR commitments
5. Embed tracking mechanisms
Read the statement ⤵️https://tinyurl.com/2k3jzya6
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Isabelle_Durant/status/1671465841714405376
Thank you @nsitharaman ! https://n.respublicae.eu/finminindia/status/1671884720223956992
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Ministry of Finance: Union Finance Minister Smt. @nsitharaman met Mr. Dan Jørgensen @DanJoergensen, Minister for Development Co-operation and Global Climate Policy, Denmark, on the margins of the #ParisSummit for a #NewGlobalFinancingPact today.
@IndiaembFrance https://t.co/jaO6ZpzPb5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DanJoergensen/status/1671890634146471936
#ParisSummit #NewGlobalFinancingPact
"The political objective of these new nature markets is above all to maintain
the way of life in the rich countries, which will be able to continue destroying as before while claiming to compensate by saving a few trees and restoring a few mangroves in the poor countries,
and in the process creating a new asset class that is extremely profitable for the financial industry in the rich countries."
#newfinancialpact #biodiversitycredits
#ParisSummit #newfinancialpact #biodiversitycredits