Interestingly, #ParliamentaryPrivilege only allows Premier #DougFord to avoid testifying while the legislature is in session.
I think the Premier, or at least a Minister should go and testify at the #EmergenciesAct inquiry, even if it is not legally required. It would be good for Ontarians to know what the top levels of their provincial government though about the #FreedomConvoy2022 .
#onpol #FreedomConvoy2022 #EmergenciesAct #dougford #ParliamentaryPrivilege
@fitheach I wouldn't be surprised to see a legal challenge, but I'm not sure it would succeed. The right of MPs to support whomever they wish as leader may be a matter of #ParliamentaryPrivilege , overriding the internal rules of the #ConservativeParty .
#ukpol #conservativeparty #ParliamentaryPrivilege