Dr Amy Kavanagh was one of the first blind people I found online when I became blind and I learnt a lot from her. it’s been great to see her journey to becoming a mum and here she is raising awareness in Stylist magazine so brilliantly as always! | “I still encounter surprise and shock that I’m #blind and a parent. I recently had a waitress ask with genuine confusion “is that your baby?” when I was in the middle of breastfeeding. I try to ignore these comments but find I do feel the weight of them on me, especially on those hard, exhausting days.”
#PartiallySighted #disabled #Disability #motherhood @disability
#blind #PartiallySighted #disabled #disability #motherhood
This is a lovely article about Hayley who set up a Braille greetings card business in the UK recently called Dotty About Braille, via Blind New World | ‘What’s really surprised me is the global response I’ve had – I’ve sold to 10 different countries all over the world, and I’ve typed #Braille in German, Dutch and French!’
#Braille #blind #PartiallySighted #lowvision #disability
The Andrew Leland book looks like a good read, but did you know there’s a book exploring what it is to be #blind from a female UK perspective? It’s just come out, published by Bloomsbury Academic and deserves some love - Life Unseen: A Story of Blindness by Selina Mills
#bookstodon #NonFiction #PartiallySighted #Disability #disabled
#blind #bookstodon #nonfiction #PartiallySighted #disability #disabled
It’s #HiVis2023 fortnight, 1-14 June - an event run by Reading Sight who are a coalition of UK library organisations working to improve #accessibility of #library services for people with a vision or print impairment | ‘We want everyone who visits a public library to be inspired by an exciting accessible environment which makes reading and seeking information a pleasure.’
#Disability #blind #PartiallySighted#libraries #Deafblind #Reading #inclusion
#hivis2023 #accessibility #library #disability #blind #PartiallySighted #deafblind #reading #inclusion
A survey for UK people who are #blind or #PartiallySighted and/or have #HearingLoss or are #deaf | ‘We need your views on #accessibility features on TV/video on-demand services for our research on behalf of Ofcom’ ~ Research Institute for Disabled Consumers (RIfDC)
#blind #PartiallySighted #hearingloss #deaf #accessibility #bsl #visualimpairment #deafblind
Here’s a great research opportunity some of you might be interested in | ‘We would like to invite you to take part in a #research project that is looking at how audiences experience artworks presented online. This research is being carried out by the University of Westminster (UK), in collaboration with the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery (US), the Watts Gallery and Artists Village (UK) and VocalEyes (UK). You may have no real interest or experiences with art, or you might be very interested in art. You might be in between. All experiences and levels of interest are important.
What are the possible benefits to taking part?
This study will help us to better understand the impact of different types of audio descriptive guides on the digital experience of #art This will help to broaden participation among people who may struggle to engage with #museum environments, physically or online’
#blind #LowVision #PartiallySighted #Audiodescription @disability
Qualtrics Survey | Inclusive artworks
#research #art #museum #blind #lowvision #PartiallySighted #audiodescription
Here’s a great research opportunity some of you might be interested in | ‘We would like to invite you to take part in a #research project that is looking at how audiences experience artworks presented online. This research is being carried out by the University of Westminster (UK), in collaboration with the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery (US), the Watts Gallery and Artists Village (UK) and VocalEyes (UK). You may have no real interest or experiences with art, or you might be very interested in art. You might be in between. All experiences and levels of interest are important.
What are the possible benefits to taking part?
This study will help us to better understand the impact of different types of audio descriptive guides on the digital experience of #art This will help to broaden participation among people who may struggle to engage with #museum environments, physically or online’
#blind #LowVision #PartiallySighted #Audiodescription @disability
https://westmi nsterpsych.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3w2anLSLh2SPtae?Q_CHL=social&Q_SocialSource=twitter
#research #art #museum #blind #lowvision #PartiallySighted #audiodescription
I’m wondering if the ‘no jab’ cane is any good… has anyone tried it?! I’ve never bought a cane as they have been provided by my Sight Loss Advisor but this seems like a good idea. Maybe it might encourage me to use one more often
#blind #LowVision #PartiallySighted #mobility #independence
#blind #lowvision #PartiallySighted #mobility #independence
Here’s an article about Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) which can cause visual hallucinations in those who are #blind or #PartiallySighted and it includes a quote from my friend nina!
Here’s an article about Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) which can cause visual hallucinations in those who are #blind or #PartiallySighted and it includes a quote from my friend nina! https://www.joe.co.uk/health/medical-professionals-unaware-of-condition-causing-millions-to-experience-frightening-hallucinations-375193u
Great opportunity for #blind and #PartiallySighted people in London who are interested in #art | This Friday 6.30-8pm, The Whitechapel Gallery are hosting a free #AudioDescribed tour of #ActionGesturePaint - a major show of 150 paintings from an overlooked generation of 81 international women artists. Email access@whitechapelgallery.org to book
#blind #PartiallySighted #art #audiodescribed #actiongesturepaint
more change to the UK #charity sector as Fight for Sight and Vision Foundation merge | “Crucially, coming together is about growing our influence and impact, not reducing or diluting what we do. So, over the next year we’ll be combining our teams, announcing our new name and fine-tuning our unified mission and strategy – as well as continuing with the important work we’re already committed to – so you can expect big things from us in the coming months”
#blind #PartiallySighted #Disability
#charity #blind #PartiallySighted #disability
This issue continues to be incredibly frustrating | Vicky Foxcroft, Labour’s shadow Minister for Disabled People, said: “For too long it has been difficult for disabled people to vote. New technology means this should no longer be the case.
“Instead of making voting easier for blind and disabled people, the government brought in legislation mandating people to have identification, which many disabled people don’t have. With no strategy for disabled people despite promising one in their 2019 manifesto, this is a government that delivers nothing for disabled people.”
#blind #PartiallySighted #LowVision #disability #voting #privacy
#blind #PartiallySighted #lowvision #disability #Voting #privacy
I’m looking forward to seeing what this is like and, you never know, I might even be tempted to submit an article! | Launching on Louis Braille’s birthday, 4 Jan, “The mission of World Blind Herald is to inform and entertain readers by publishing articles on a wide array of topics regarding blindness and blind people from the entire English speaking world.”
#Braille #PartiallySighted #LowVision #DeafBlind #blind #blindness #writing #OpenForSubmissions
#Braille #PartiallySighted #lowvision #deafblind #blind #blindness #writing #OpenForSubmissions
Last week I went to an exhibition called In Plain Sight at The Wellcome Collection here in London & I’ve been thinking about it ever since! It’s a mix of art, history & lived experiences reacting to the ways we see. My highlight was the object handling session which was so sensory & thoughtful. The objects were presented & a gallery assistant talked me through how to interact with them, at my own pace #PartiallySighted #blind #disability More info: https://www.timeout.com/london/art/in-plain-sight
#PartiallySighted #blind #disability