The thing about a #NZPol CGT and Wealth Tax is this is how much the NZ taxpayer funded NZ property investors 2022/23.
Accommodation Supplement Budget ; Final Budgeted 2022/23. Estimated Actual 2022/23. Budget 2023/24 ; $2,023,428,000. $2,023,428,000. #PartyVoteGreen
#nzpol #PartyVoteGreen #NZVotes2023
Here's my 2 cents worth :
The @nzgreens and Alliance/Values/NewLabour have had these policies for as long as I can remember (FTT/wealth/CGT eg)
Are these 'high income earners' writing open letters (please sir, can we pay more tax?) voting for these policies?
If not, why not?
@steffen the Greens need more leverage with Labour, to *make* then do the right thing. So, they need more voters at the next election, not fewer. #PartyVoteGreen
@pezmico 2023 will bring a perfect opportunity to #PartyVoteGreen for real & positive action 💚
With The Greens In Parliament
#PartyVoteGreen and we're likely to get an Labour + Greens Government on September 19th - what's not to love about that?
Checkout the Greens policies and what they already achieved this time around: