Noticed that some of the #protestors at the #TyreNichols #protest in #EastLiberty #Pittsburgh yesterday were carrying signs that mention the "Party for #Socialism and Liberation". There was no URL but it appears to be . Anyone know anything about this organization?
As a side note, it seemed like a strangely white protest for a neighborhood that's 40% Black, which makes me think it might have been organized by a local #PSL chapter.
#protestors #tyrenichols #protest #EastLiberty #pittsburgh #socialism #psl #PartyforSocialismandLiberation
Thankfully we will *not* be seeing an absurd 150% increase to the customer charge on our bills from Austin Energy (10 USD/mo to 25 USD/mo; instead it starts at 13 USD/mo and ramps up to 15 USD/mo over a couple years). But our so-called municipally owned energy company and city council still approved a rate design that increases the bills of most residential customers while decreasing the bills of most commercial customers.
I'll take slowing the bleeding, but what we really need is to stop it entirely.
#atx #Austin #AustinTX #AustinEnergy #PSL #PartyForSocialismAndLiberation #LiberationNews
#atx #austin #austintx #austinenergy #psl #PartyforSocialismandLiberation #liberationnews
Context: PSL orientation towards Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Tuesday July 17 2018 by Party for Socialism and Liberation
#PartyforSocialismandLiberation, #PSL, #AOC, #AlexandriaOcasioCortez, #DSA, #DemocraticSocialistsofAmerica, #classcollaboration, #anticommunism, #suppression, #socialmedia, #socialimperialism, #socialfascism
leaked internal memo from the “party for socialism & liberation” illustrating the fact that they support neither socialism nor liberation.
#PartyforSocialismandLiberation #psl #aoc #alexandriaocasiocortez #dsa #democraticsocialistsofamerica #classcollaboration #anticommunism #suppression #socialmedia #socialimperialism #socialfascism