or ‘One rule for us, another rule for them’ — to put it more simply #UK #partygate
interesting debate in #UK. how to defend a party with the assistance of the very same people who prohibited partying for the rest of the population for health reasons #partygate
In another chapter from the #ToryPlaybook #BorisJohnson earns £2.3 million on top of his #MP salary but it's the #taxpayer who has to fork out for his #Partygate legal defence costs.
This people, is the #Tory party par excellence where they feather their own nests and f**k the rest of us.
But when it comes to paying people a decent living wage, tumbleweed...
#toryplaybook #borisjohnson #mp #taxpayer #Partygate #Tory #gtto #ToryCorruption
@DariaOnTour Isn't he in danger in Uxbridge? It's a London seat, a city which is increasingly anti-tory. Plus there's his personal unpopularity after #Partygate etc.
RT @ChrisyDrThomas
@jacquep @ArtistHarding No I did not - when my daughters 35yro partner died I didn’t travel the 100 miles to see her or attend the funeral - we stayed home and followed the rules - Johnson devalued all that we did and I feel stupid now #Partygate #JohnsonTheLiar #JohnsonLiedPeopleDied #NeverJohnson
#Partygate #JohnsonTheLiar #JohnsonLiedPeopleDied #NeverJohnson
RT @Wulf_Helm
You told us the public weren't interested in #PartyGate, how'd that work out @BrandonLewis ? https://twitter.com/MirrorPolitics/status/1577297008750219266
RT @andybell5news@twitter.com
The Committee of Privileges has issued an official call for evidence for its inquiry into whether @BorisJohnson@twitter.com knowingly misled Parliament over #Partygate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/andybell5news/status/1542143994565730307
RT @iandonald_psych@twitter.com
In the Evening Standard @michaelgove@twitter.com said in relation to #Partygate “One of the things we need to do is move away from a concentration on some of the Westminster preoccupations towards the people’s priorities.” Polls show one of the people’s priorities is getting rid of Johnson
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/iandonald_psych/status/1534845970558615552
RT @MarcusJBall@twitter.com
GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE: Prime Minister Boris Johnson misled the public about the severity of his Covid-19 condition.
Now that we have all had a chance to process #Partygate it is time to reveal what I'm calling #Deathgate.
A multimedia THREAD from Stop Lying In Politics Ltd:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarcusJBall/status/1533804069994766336
Hate saying it - but I have some sympathy for Johnson about this.
Even 9:00 seems too early for a meeting.
By the time you've had your coffee (plus doughnut), briefly scanned your emails, and caught up with the office gossip - it is usually about 11:00 in my experience...
RT @ukiswitheu@twitter.com
Sunday Times #partygate
- Boris Johnson was too lazy to make 8:30 am meetings
- Boris Johnson missed meetings to have an afternoon nap
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ukiswitheu/status/1530689432885551108
Looks like #partygate will continue to top the news agenda.
Civil servants ‘lobbied Sue Gray to have names removed’ from Partygate report https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/civil-servants-sue-gray-partygate-report-boris-johnson-b2089584.html
RT @ukiswitheu@twitter.com
Sunday Times #partygate
- Boris Johnson was too lazy to make 8:30 am meetings
- Boris Johnson missed meetings to have an afternoon nap
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ukiswitheu/status/1530689432885551108
RT @LordRennard@twitter.com
In a really shocking week, this is the most shocking story. Boris Johnson promised Parliament that the full report would be published. But the @thesundaytimes@twitter.com reveals that it was doctored by Downing Street officials. He lied to Parliament @RhonddaBryant@twitter.com #Partygate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LordRennard/status/1530633919317651465
RT @LordRennard@twitter.com
In a really shocking week, this is the most shocking story. Boris Johnson promised Parliament that the full report would be published. But the @thesundaytimes@twitter.com reveals that it was doctored by Downing Street officials. He lied to Parliament @RhonddaBryant@twitter.com #Partygate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LordRennard/status/1530633919317651465
RT @Femi_Sorry@twitter.com
I've got nothing.
I pre-wrote an article about Boris Johnson facing the Privileges Committee to decide if he lied to Parliament on #Partygate.
But I never imagined he'd remove *honesty* from the Ministerial Code WHILE being investigated.
We're at rock fucking bottom, people.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Femi_Sorry/status/1530221314992119809
RT @PippaCrerar@twitter.com
Yet more detail on Downing Street lockdown drinking culture - and how the PM facilitated it - from @bbclaurak@twitter.com’s Panorama. #partygate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PippaCrerar/status/1529075595962994689
RT @LordRennard@twitter.com
Why did the @metpoliceuk@twitter.com only investigate 2 of 12 #Partygate events attended by Boris Johnson? How can you conduct a “strategy meeting” with ABBA blaring out and also describe this celebration of @Dominic2306@twitter.com departure as a “job interview” for Carrie’s mate? #BorisJohnson
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LordRennard/status/1528321023141203969
RT @DonaldFrump@twitter.com
Hi @metpoliceuk@twitter.com
Please can the #metpolice have hidden the names of the people involved in the #partygate scandal, even when it is clearly in the public interest? As it stands, it looks like a cover-up by the police to protect certain politicians, which i'm sure is not the case. https://twitter.com/Telegraph/status/1527390250795950080
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DonaldFrump/status/1527777804309303296
RT @Parody_PM@twitter.com
A brief history of #PartyGate:
-There were no parties
-No rules were broken
-I didn’t know they were parties
-OK, so the rules were broken 126 times, now can we please just move on
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Parody_PM/status/1527230224546545664
RT @ImIncorrigible@twitter.com
It's within the bounds of possibility that the Tories receive a historically devastating defeat at Thursday's #LocalElections, followed by @metpoliceuk@twitter.com announcing multiple #PartyGate fines, & which result in Johnson being forced by his party to resign by this time next week
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ImIncorrigible/status/1521157427344953346