"Just passing through"
- Granular cell tumor infiltrating through muscle
#bstpath #dermpath #pathart @pathology
- Chondroid area in an otherwise conventional chordoma
#bstpath #pathart @pathology
Om - random colon biopsy #pathology #pathart #MedMastodon #Om
#Pathology #PathArt #MedMastodon #om
A quick #PathArt #PathDoodle about the disease processes of #BreastPath and #breastcancer #PathTwitter #PurplePath
#PathArt #pathdoodle #breastpath #breastcancer #PathTwitter #purplepath
A quick #PathArt #PathDoodle about #BreastPath
#PathArt #pathdoodle #breastpath
RT @pembeoltulu@twitter.com
Hi my dear #PathTwitter family, wish you all happy and healty 2023🎉🎊🌷🙏🤲🏻
The most liked #pathart pics of November and December 2022 are here, by our dear #PathArtist s of our #pathArt Facebook group
Congratulations @DrRanasaleh@twitter.com @SyedSal55391459@twitter.com 👏🏻👏🏻
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/pembeoltulu/status/1609504796020510721
#PathTwitter #PathArt #pathartist
Here's another one from the 'archive' - the master of suspense hiding out in a section of ovary #pathology #pathart #MedMastodon #AlfredHitchcock
#Pathology #PathArt #MedMastodon #alfredhitchcock
RT @TurkJPath@twitter.com
Here are the winners of the 6th International #pathart Contest!
First Place Award winner: Deniz Torun, Turkey
Second Place Award winner: Rabia Dolek, Turkey
Third Place Award winner: Rumeysa Kankoc, Turkey
Jury Special Award winner: Aurelien Morini, France
Congratulations! ❤️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TurkJPath/status/1608161528188145665
RT @Gloria_SuraMD@twitter.com
Tumor with an EGFR p.G719A mutation. What type of tumor is shown? Answer: https://kikoxp.com/posts/18719 #PathTwitter #MolPath #MedTwitter #PathArt
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Gloria_SuraMD/status/1605257361068883968
#PathTwitter #molpath #medtwitter #PathArt
This prostate chip from a TURP must have come from the Moai of Easter Island #pathology #pathart #medmastodon
#Pathology #PathArt #MedMastodon
pinkoos@med-mastodon.com - I took this photomicrograph of a stomach biopsy many years ago - "Gastric man, on his knees, arms outstretched, baring his heart for the world to see" #pathology #pathart #MedMastodon
#pathology #PathArt #MedMastodon
I took this photomicrograph of a stomach biopsy many years ago - "Gastric man, on his knees, arms outstretched, baring his heart for the world to see" #pathology #pathart #MedMastodon
#Pathology #PathArt #MedMastodon
This is a photomicrograph of a lymph node section I took back in 2018 when I first joined #mastodon, thought it was fitting to post it here for, hopefully, obvious reasons #pathology #pathart #MedMastodon
#mastodon #Pathology #PathArt #MedMastodon
RT @Gloria_SuraMD@twitter.com
Pleural fluid reveals large cannon-ball like clusters of cells. What is the diagnosis? Answer: https://kikoxp.com/posts/11782 #PathTwitter #PathArt #MedTwitter #CytoPath #Cytology
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Gloria_SuraMD/status/1602917560336490496
#PathTwitter #PathArt #medtwitter #cytopath #cytology
RT @MeredithKHerman@twitter.com
Pathology is a huge inspiration behind my artwork. I plan to share more of my paintings and pathology-related content on #PathTikTok going forward!
Great way to increase path visibility on this #SoMe platform. #PathTwitter #ModernPathologist @Path_SIG@twitter.com #PathArt
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MeredithKHerman/status/1602121937815490560
#pathtiktok #SOME #PathTwitter #modernpathologist #PathArt
RT @Romanow_MD@twitter.com
Can you solve this little riddle?🐝
#BSTPath #PathTwitter #pathart #UNIM #DPathology
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Romanow_MD/status/1600594075119456272
#bstpath #PathTwitter #PathArt #unim #dpathology
"Bubbly cells gone bad"
- Well-differentiated Sebaceous Carcinoma
#pathology #pathart #dermpath #pathtwitter #pathmastodon #pathmast #pathstodon #pathodon @pathology
#Pathology #PathArt #dermpath #PathTwitter #pathmastodon #pathmast #Pathstodon #Pathodon
"Two-in-one (part 2)"
- Nests with two types of basaloid cells in Spiradenoma
#pathology #pathart #dermpath #pathtwitter #pathmastodon #pathmast #pathstodon #pathodon @pathology
#Pathology #PathArt #dermpath #PathTwitter #pathmastodon #pathmast #Pathstodon #Pathodon
"Two-in-one (part 1)"
- Sweat duct & follicular differentiation in Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma
#pathology #pathart #dermpath #pathtwitter #pathmastodon #pathmast #pathstodon #pathodon @pathology
#Pathology #PathArt #dermpath #PathTwitter #pathmastodon #pathmast #Pathstodon #Pathodon
Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma with hyalinizing giant rosettes
(Formerly "hyalinizing spindle cell tumor with giant rosettes")
#pathology #pathart #bstpath #pathtwitter #pathmastodon #pathmast #pathstodon #pathodon @pathology
#Pathology #PathArt #bstpath #PathTwitter #pathmastodon #pathmast #Pathstodon #Pathodon