I'm really enjoying #Pathologic2 but it also feels a bit masochistic haha. Addictive in a really strange way. Playing it feels a bit like rock climbing - looking desperately for handholds to make incremental progress
게임하는걸 좋아하고 가끔 팬아트도 그려요.
여기서 관심사가 비슷한 분들을 찾을 확률은 희박할 것 같지만 일단 한번 글을 남겨봅니다.
#툿친소 #Pathologic2 #scarlethollow #Pentiment #themagnusarchives
#DiscoElysium is good and I'm excited to do my achievement run of #Pathologic2 because I'm thirsty for suffering.
After I finish pathologic 2 I'm genuinely thinking about going back for more of #PathologicClassicHD
#pathologicclassichd #Pathologic2 #DiscoElysium
I haven't been tooting about #Pathologic2 because I did my first playthrough with minimal outside information and my brain couldn't digest the game and also think deeply about it.
Anyway, can't wait to go do my "imago" playthrough (don't adjust difficulty sliders) after I finish #DiscoElysium
I finished #Pathologic2 and I'm going to be in "wow that's a lot to process" mode for the foreseeable future
Hola. 👋 Me llamo Karen y formo parte del equipo de traducción al castellano de los videojuegos 🎮 #Pathologic Classic HD y #Pathologic2. Mi papel 📜 principal es asegurarme de que ambas traducciones sean lo más fieles posibles al texto ruso 🇷🇺 original. #PathologicEspañol
#pathologic #Pathologic2 #pathologicespanol
Hola. 👋 Me llamo Karen y formo parte del equipo de traducción al castellano de los videojuegos 🎮 #Pathologic Classic HD y #Pathologic2. Mi papel 📜 principal es asegurarme de que ambas traducciones sean lo más fieles posibles al texto ruso 🇷🇺 original. #PathologicEspañol
#pathologic #Pathologic2 #pathologicespanol
«Николай Дыбовский об Играх и не Только» | «ПИЛИМ, ТРЁМ»
Почти целых два часа чистейшего Дыбовского. Просто потрясающе.
🔶 Холдинг «Ice-Pick Lodge»
🔶 Кампания «Самозванки» в виде комикса
🔶 Плохой издатель «Pathologic 2»
🔶 «ZA/UM», как издатель «Ice-Pick Lodge»
Просто неистово погыгыкал с каждого пункта.
Death Trash and others want to know how the sausage is made - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/Mtg3QYxjMR4/death-trash-and-others-want-to-know-how-the-sausage-is-made #Amnesia:AMachineforPigs #LittleNightmares #Pathologic2 #DeathTrash #Dishonored #Carrion #Indie
#amnesia #LittleNightmares #Pathologic2 #DeathTrash #dishonored #Carrion #indie