Done re-listening and re-reading the first two books of Patrick O’Brian Aubrey Maturin saga, namely Master and Commander, and the Post Captain.
Now with the third one, the HMS Surprise.
Also helping my wife putting together key facts and events of 17th century for her continued effort to draw history of the world, and history of Britain murals in one of our local schools.
Maybe will actually post few here later on.
#PatrickOBrian #aubreymaturin #history #murals
One of the best movies ever made.
#masterandcommander #PatrickOBrian #russellcrowe #PaulBettany
#masterandcommander #PatrickOBrian #RussellCrowe #PaulBettany
This reader of the Aubrey/Maturin novels found “Hammocks: a Maritime Tool” well worth a skim. Illustrations that resolved some questions I didn’t know I had about the use of hammocks in naval ships during the Napoleonic Wars.
Also: looking at the build instructions for an HMS Speedy model helps. (Sophie in /Master and Commander/ was Speedy in real life.)
#maturin #aubrey #PatrickOBrian
Each summer for the past few years, I've gone back to some comfort reading/listening where I can kind of just shut off my brain and go with the narratives. I usually do Pride and Prejudice, and maybe add some Aubrey/Maturin and maybe some Sharpe. I'm thinking about doing a Jeeves and Wooster run, and/or Agatha Christie, too.
Which should I start with?
Looking forward to getting to these old faves!
#Bookstodon #Reading #Christie #Jeeves #Wodehouse #Sharpe #Cornwell #PatrickOBrian #JaneAusten
#JaneAusten #PatrickOBrian #cornwell #sharpe #wodehouse #Jeeves #christie #Reading #bookstodon
On my 4th circumnavigation...
Finished MASTER AND COMMANDER; this time bookmarked every paragraph with direct allusions to Lord Thomas Cochrane's life 😆.
#MaritimeHistory #ageofsail #navalfiction #stephenmaturin #jackaubrey #masterandcommander #PatrickOBrian #therealmasterandcommander #lordcochrane
Click on image to enlarge
#stephenmaturin #jackaubrey #PatrickOBrian #masterandcommander
Seamen and avid readers of Patrick O'Brian and C.S. Forester will understand 😏
Click on image to enlarge!
#navalfiction #csforester #PatrickOBrian #theweathergage #ageofsail #hornblower #jackaubrey #masterandcommander
#AubreyMaturin is superior to #Hornblower in the same way as #StarTrek is superior to #StarWars.
#forthosewhounderstand #midnightthoughts #PatrickOBrian #CSForester #justsaying
#aubreymaturin #hornblower #startrek #starwars #forthosewhounderstand #midnightthoughts #PatrickOBrian #csforester #justsaying
#aubreymaturinnovels #jackaubrey
On my 8th or 9th reading of the superb #PatrickOBrian novels - have just finished Desolation Island and now on to The Fortune of War.
#aubreymaturinnovels #jackaubrey #PatrickOBrian
A new year....time to start my 4th circumnavigation :-) .
#historicnovels #navalfiction #bookstodon #circumnavigation #PatrickOBrian #stephenmaturin #jackaubrey #masterandcommander
A new Year....time to start my 4th circumnavigation :-) .
#historicnovels #navalfiction #bookstodon #circumnavigation #PatrickOBrian #stephenmaturin #jackaubrey #masterandcommander
A very happy Christmas to all MASTER AND COMMANDER/AUBREY-MATURIN affectionados out there!
An extra ration of rum for all! Splice the mainbrace! Cheers!
#PatrickOBrian #cheers #navalfiction #masterandcommander #AubreyMaturin #merrychristmas
Christmas Eve,...time to get this cookbook out!
#cooking #stephenmaturin #jackaubrey #lobscouseandspotteddog #AubreyMaturin #PatrickOBrian #masterandcommander
Maritime Christmas Mood:
HMS Surprise 🎅
#thedearsurprise #AubreyMaturin #PatrickOBrian #masterandcommander #hmssurprise #christmas
The Patrick O'Brian/ Master and Commander fans will understand 😉
#stephenmaturin #jackaubrey #pun #thelesseroftwoweevils #masterandcommander #PatrickOBrian
Phew! Scraped to the end of this just before it was due to go back - no more renewals allowed.
I use it to distract my brain when I can't sleep; it works really well but occasionally I get stuck on the same passage and it slows me up!
I read all of these about 10 yr ago and it's great to revisit them.
Book 4 The Mauritius Command arrives on Thu!
I highly recommend BorrowBox, the have a good free selection - available thru some public libraries.
#AmReading well listening to #PatrickOBrian
Thomas Cochrane was several times shipmates with a Mr. Garrod who was an assistant astronomer at Greenwich Observatory .....
Did Patrick O'Brian know about this? Is this the source for Jack Aubrey's keen interest in astronomy?🤔
#navalfiction #lordcochrane #therealmasterandcommander #PatrickOBrian #masterandcommander
My #introduction:
Scientific background in #ornithology and #ecology.
Recreational #birding in #Oregon and elsewhere.
#Writing projects include #NaturalHistory #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Poetry #translation
I like #birds #genealogy #astronomy #Mars #spaniels #dinosaurs #GeneWolfe #PatrickOBrian #UrsulaLeGuin #Schiller #NekoCase #TomLehrer
Should work all of those into a story!
Commentary here is personal opinion and does not represent my employer.
See also my blog:
#introduction #ornithology #ecology #birding #oregon #writing #naturalhistory #sciencefiction #fantasy #poetry #translation #birds #genealogy #astronomy #mars #Spaniels #dinosaurs #genewolfe #PatrickOBrian #ursulaleguin #Schiller #nekocase #TomLehrer
I already had a penchant for tallships when I was a wee child. Now I am a big child with a penchant for tallships and also for a certain Scottish captain whose incredible life and daring exploits inspired Patrick O'Brian to write 21 novels; the basis for the movie MASTER AND COMMANDER.
#tallships #PatrickOBrian #masterandcommander #lordcochrane