"if you could interview anyone who would it be?" If the chance came up I'd love to chat to these incredible people whose work reminds me why I love cinema
#jamescameron #ChristopherNolan #RussellCrowe #edgarwright #eliroth #michaelmann #jasonblum #PattyJenkins
This is really disappointing. I’m expecting more testosterone-laden movies. Apparently, The Batman is the only one that’s untouched. 🙄
Wonder Woman 3 Not Moving Forward as DC Movies At a Crossroads – The Hollywood Reporter
Matera Film Festival 2022: in arrivo la terza edizione #23Settembre #Cinema #Cultura #CittàdeiSassi #Matera #MateraFilmFestival2022 #PattyJenkins https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubG9zcGVjaWFsZWdpb3JuYWxlLml0LzIwMjIvMDkvMjMvbWF0ZXJhLWZpbG0tZmVzdGl2YWwtMjAyMi1pbi1hcnJpdm8tbGEtdGVyemEtZWRpemlvbmUv.html
#PattyJenkins #MateraFilmFestival2022 #matera #CittàdeiSassi #cultura #cinema #23settembre