In America you can say anything you want, as long as it doesn't have any effect
Seeing discussions of tech, #AI (machine-generated text from #ChatGPT) ke eps sending me to #NeilPostman(1991), #PaulGoodman(1970), and Bertrand (and Dora) Russel(1924!). The pattern is the same with "science," "#computers," or "#AI" tech getting hyped and applied by morons: " once was thought necessary to bring closed-circuit..[TV].. to the classroom." Key point from Paul Goodman:
".. #technology is a branch of #MoralPhilosophy, not of #science."
#技術 は #倫理学 の一部門であって、#科学 の部門ではない。
#科学 #倫理学 #技術 #science #moralphilosophy #technology #computers #PaulGoodman #neilpostman #chatgpt #ai
More pages from #PaulGoodman's #GrowingUpAbsurd. These pages deal with #Colleges and #Research. There is something reassuring, when you have nagging doubts about something being wrong, to read something from decades ago and see that other people have been noticing absurd trends. Now that people are going into debt to attend college the corruption of the institution away from teaching and toward #CreativeResearch has become an even greater moral issue, I suppose.
#creativeresearch #research #colleges #GrowingUpAbsurd #PaulGoodman
#PaulGoodman writes of the commercial media's bad influence on the young and their education. His lines about the #HumanProblem of PR #mannequins, people #WorkingAsClowns and #ThinkingLikeIdiots come to mind a lot. It always takes a lot of time to find #GrowingUpAbsurd(1959?) and then the right pages. #不条理に育つ #片桐ユズル
#片桐ユズル #不条理に育つ #GrowingUpAbsurd #ThinkingLikeIdiots #WorkingAsClowns #mannequins #HumanProblem #PaulGoodman
To avoid pulling out a bunch of old #PaulGoodman books I did an on-line search. Goodman wrote a line or two about how a person with the sensitivity of Albert Camus can see the guillotine and viscerally reject it: the machine is "not us." Maybe the death penalty machines are the products of a "mega-machine",^1 an organization made of people: a "not us." This sensitivity drives rejection of AI productions?
^1 Lewis Mumford's term for the organization that built the pyramids, wrote Neil Postman.
> .. the dumb silence of slumber or apathy; the sober silence that goes with a solemn animal face; the fertile silence of awareness, pasturing the soul, whence emerge new thoughts; the alive silence of alert perception.. the musical silence..[pf] absorbed activity; the silence of listening to another speak.. helping..; the noisy silence of resentment and self-recrimination.; baffled silence; the silence of peaceful accord..
#Silence #PaulGoodman #MariaPopova
#mariapopova #PaulGoodman #silence
One day I'll find #PaulGoodman's lines about Borsodi's #ThisUglyCivilization. They came to mind while reading #TomVanderbilt on #ThePallet. It's a good read but I'm wondering about how oil and climate fit in.. And Goodman's lines about #Borsodi were that gains in centralized production were lost in packaging and transportation I guess it all seems to work because of energy subsidies: Cheap oil shored up by the Pentagon and direct tax giveaways to Exxon.
#Borsodi #ThePallet #TomVanderbilt #ThisUglyCivilization #PaulGoodman
OnedayI'll find #PaulGoodman's lines about Borsodi's #ThisUglyCivilization. They came to mind while reading #TomVanderbilt on #ThePallet. It's a good read but I'm wondering about how oil and climate fit in.. And Goodman's lines about #Borsodi were that gains in centralized production were lost in packaging and transportation I guess it all seems to work because of energy subsidies: Cheap oil shored up by the Pentagon and direct tax giveaways to Exxon.
#Borsodi #ThePallet #TomVanderbilt #ThisUglyCivilization #PaulGoodman
"Not speaking and speaking are both human ways of being in the world, and there are kinds and grades of each...
"There is the dumb silence of slumber or apathy; the sober silence that goes with a solemn animal face; the fertile silence of awareness, pasturing the soul, whence emerge new thoughts; the alive silence of alert perception, ready to say, “This… this…”"
> a serious modern artist who happens to be a pacifist.. begins to move artistically among the scenes of war, his art.. will soon lead to the exploration and expression of his own horror, rage, pain, and devastation. The vegetarian will disclose his own cannibalism, the pacifist his murderousness.. #Guernica does not light up the deed of #Nazi bombers, but the violent soul of #Picasso, brought to a salutary pause.
#PaulGoodman on #PacifistFilms
#PacifistFilms #PaulGoodman #picasso #nazi #guernica
> The arousing of lust and self-disapproval leads to the specific pornographic effect of wished-for punishment... The image of punishment is often provided in the film itself, as its poetic justice. Such self-punishment is evil in itself; but worse is that usually it is projected far and wide as vindictive hatred of scapegoats. And alternatively, it seeks for allies in mass suicide, as if to say, “We are #NotWorthyToLive.”
#PaulGoodman on #PacifisitFilms
#PacifisitFilms #PaulGoodman #NotWorthyToLive
The true classics are the.. methods.. that are.. operative in the present.. always a classical curriculum to be found.. what is central, concrete.. underlying; and indeed in any new situation, the classics never look like "classics," nor, in the present state of literature, are they likely to be books.. The Socratic dialogue is classic.. in our times.. to be found in the psychoanalytic group-session.. The experimental method is classic, and chastens and unites us..
#PaulGoodman on #classics
> Whether or not it draws on new scientific research, technology is a branch of moral philosophy, not of science.
> それが新しい科学の研究を身につけているにしろ、 いないにしろ、 技術は倫理学の一部門えあって、 科学の一部門えはない。
#NeilPostman in #Technopoly quotes #PaulGoodman's #NewReformation
#ニールポストマン #技術vs人間 #ポールグッドマン #新しい改革
#新しい改革 #ポールグッドマン #技術vs人間 #ニールポストマン #NewReformation #PaulGoodman #technopoly #neilpostman
> a film must at least not do.. harm by predisposing its audience toward war.. images of senseless violence, horror, and wast.. employed in.. commercially successful #antiwar films.. have a titillating effect and remain in the soul as.. further incitements.. images of horror.. detach themselves from the.. intellectual and ethical framework in which they are.. presented.. they attach themselves to quite different #subliminal ideas
#PacifistFilms #PaulGoodman
#PaulGoodman #PacifistFilms #subliminal #antiwar
There are some really terrible photos during this talk. You understand why Sally Hayden almost cried while explaining the title of her book, _The Fourth Time, We drowned_. #MariaHinojosa came close to crying during her #DN! segment too. These two journalists help put human faces on #HannahArendt's logical treatment of the global structure that is inadequate for ensuring #HumanRights. The photos for monetizing torture reminds me of a #PaulGoodman essay #MakingPacifistFilms.
#MakingPacifistFilms #PaulGoodman #humanrights #hannaharendt #dn #MariaHinojosa
About ten years ago I read of this #GoodSamaritanStudy in #PaulGoodman 's #GrowingUpAbsurd . His comments come to mind a lot and I finally remembered enough about the study for successful on-line searches. I wonder if the study is meaningful to me because I read of it in Growing Up Absurd, and kept coming back to in... If mentions of the study just flashed by with speed on the screen, I might not be thinking about it so much..
#GrowingUpAbsurd #PaulGoodman #GoodSamaritanStudy
Why some people in #Russia might be concerned about #Nato (Controlled by #Germany and #France more than #Greece I guess, not to mention the #USA ) expanding to their borders... It wasn't just the Nazis that invaded and killed millions before leaving in frozen defeat. #EdwardTufte in #BeautifulEvidence says #Minard made the best #antiwar #poster ever. #PaulGoodman in #PacifistFilms says plain documentaries are good, scenes of extreme bloody cruelty just make us think we all deserve to die...
#PacifistFilms #PaulGoodman #poster #antiwar #Minard #BeautifulEvidence #EdwardTufte #usa #greece #france #germany #nato #russia
> ... rather than allowing a... of working hours to free... [people] to pursue their own projects, pleasures, visions, and ideas, we.. [see] the ballooning not... so much of the “service” sector as... the administrative sector...[:] the creation of whole new industries: financial services, telemarketing, or the... expansion of sectors like corporate law, academic and health administration, human resources, and public relations.
#David Graeber in #BullshitJobs makes me think of #PaulGoodman
#PaulGoodman #bullshitjobs #david
> Not to teach the whole curriculum is to give up on the whole man.
#PaulGoodman #GrowingUpAbsurd like #JohnStuartMill on #Comte for #Education #curriculum #generalists
#generalists #curriculum #education #comte #johnstuartmill #GrowingUpAbsurd #PaulGoodman
> In Levittown, for example, the project for a community school fell through because the middle-class parents wanted a more intensive program to assure their children’s “careers” (preparation for “prestige” colleges), whereas the lower-middle-class parents, who had lower status aims, preferred a more “progressive” program.
#PaulGoodman #Education #School #levittown
#levittown #school #education #PaulGoodman