riaka · @riaka
157 followers · 2693 posts · Server todon.eu
Bodhi O'Shea · @Bodhioshea
89 followers · 434 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"In fact, the ‘lessons of history’ seem to be largely wasted on the new generation, which often merely repeats in a more insolent fashion and with less sophistication the proven mistakes of the past. Instead of finding their orientation in the actual social conditions and their possibilities, the new leftists base their concerns mainly on a set of ideologies that have no relevance to the requirements of social change in capitalist nations. They find their inspiration not in the developmental processes of their own society but in the heroes of popular revolution in faraway countries, thereby revealing that their enthusiasm is not as yet a real concern for decisive social change."

"Anti-Bolshevik Communism"


Last updated 2 years ago

riaka · @riaka
73 followers · 448 posts · Server todon.eu

Aquí Paul Mattick explica el origen de la división entre trabajo manual y trabajo intelectual, la división entre teoría y praxis. Esto también explica por qué la intelectualidad tiende a creerse mejor que las trabajadoras manuales y por qué algunos marxistas se creen destinados a dirigir al proletariado como si fuera un rebaño incapaz de pensar y organizarse por sí mismo.


Last updated 2 years ago