#LongCovid, #Covid19 experts:
is the full dose for #Paxlovid only for 5 days or is it 10 days (5, one day gap, and then 5)?
I'm getting conflicting information from providers, so any pointers to trusted sources will be helpful.
#LongCovid #covid19 #Paxlovid #mastodon #healthcare #covid
#LongCovid #Covid19 friends, I need urgent help:
wife tested positive for covid. It's bad. Online Doc is refusing to prescribe #Paxlovid citing she's <50yrs. Said LongCovid isn't real and pretty much gaslit the entire thing as a hoax.
PCP offices are closed.
CVS w/o prescription requires labwork that we don't have handy.
The blockers in the US #healthcare are systemic.
In GA, how might we get Paxlovid? Any ideas/suggestions?
#LongCovid #covid19 #Paxlovid #healthcare #covid #mastodon #medicine
„Ein Rebound ist erstaunlich häufig – auch ohne #Paxlovid. Es halten sich hartnäckig Mutmaßungen, dass beim Einsatz von Paxlovid zur Behandlung von #Covid19 mit einem Rebound zu rechnen sei. Ob das so stimmt, wurde jetzt in einer prospektiven Kohortenstudie untersucht. Die Ergebnisse überraschen teilweise.“ 👇 #CovidIsNotOver
#Paxlovid #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver
Erschreckend, dass man einige Mediziner immer noch darauf hinweisen muss:
#PAXLOVID ist indiziert ZUR Verhinderung eines schweren Covid-Verlaufes.
ℹ️ Tipp: Online-Interaktionschecker Universität Liverpool → https://www.covid19-druginteractions.org/checker
ℹ️ Gute Checkliste Dt. Hausärzteverband → https://www.ihf-fobi.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Downloads-IHF/IHF_Information_-_Checkliste_Paxlovid_-_Stand_28.09.2022.pdf
From Dr Ruth Ann Crystal's #COVID newsletter
"Across the United States #hospital admissions with COVID are up 22%. More disturbingly, hospital admissions for #children under the age of one with COVID are increasing
"If you are exposed to a person who has COVID, you should #test every 48 hours x 3 (i.e. day 1, 3, 5, 7) if you have no symptoms. If you have any symptoms, test every 48 hours at least two times (day 1, 3, 5). It is best to wear an #N95 or #KN95 mask for 10 days after exposure to protect others and to isolate if you feel sick. #Paxlovid and/or #Metformin may be appropriate for some people."
#covid #hospital #children #Test #n95 #kn95 #Paxlovid #metformin
@CindySensd @earthmothering9 @DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19
The only thing I found that covers the ever-present vile taste that #Paxlovid leaves in your mouth were Finnish salty salmiakki licorice.
I hope you and your kids will be over the worst soon!
My experience: Eventually the horrible taste became less prominent (but that took a week) and then it was only a weird aftertaste when eating. But it is very unpleasant because it really tastes like garbage.
''Therapeutics: Examination of the #mutation #profile of #BA286 suggests that currently available treatments like #Paxlovid, #Veklury, and #Lagevrio will be effective against this variant. Monitoring is ongoing and CDC will update this document as human data on the impact of this variant on therapeutics become available.''
#Mutation #profile #ba286 #Paxlovid #veklury #lagevrio
And remember you can always share your personal stories with us, and tell the Ministry of Health why we need to #MasksIKeepMasksInHealthCare, have better access to #paxlovid, #CleanAir (just look outside!), and #SafeSchools! https://forms.gle/ruh4977tgdVKNxd18
#masksikeepmasksinhealthcare #Paxlovid #cleanair #SafeSchools
Final chance to submit your thoughts to Pharmac re widening Paxlovid eligibility. Submission window closes Monday July 21 at 5pm. Especially important now that all protection measures have been dropped. #paxlovid #COVID9 #covid19nz #covidnz #longcovid #longcovidnz #nzpol #medicallyvulnerable
Proposal to change the access criteria for COVID-19 antiviral treatments - Pharmac | New Zealand Government
#Paxlovid #covid9 #COVID19nz #CovidNZ #LongCovid #longcovidnz #nzpol #medicallyvulnerable
Die aktuellen Varianten lösen weiterhin Verläufe auf, die ohne #Impfung schwerer verlaufen als mit. Und wer #Paxlovid nimmt, verkürzt Krankheitsdauer und -schwere. #Metformin verringert zudem #LongCOVID-Risiko.
Die Möglichkeit, an entsprechende Medikamente (und im Herbst Booster) zu kommen, ist allerdings viel geringer als sich auf der Straße harte Drogen zu besorgen.
#impfung #Paxlovid #metformin #LongCovid
#IDMastodon @bmj_latest #Paxlovid “rebound” is a growing concern—as is resistance generally to existing covid antivirals. With #COVID still a risk to vulnerable groups, what does current research make of Paxlovid’s place in our treatment options?
Managed to dodge getting #Covid from my husband after he decided to hang out in the airport/airplane for two days without a mask “most” of the time. When it got crowded he threw it on. Still isolating because I don’t want #rebound Covid from him. #maskup #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne So very grateful for my precautions and will tighten them up moving forward because I want to stay a #novid (as far as I know).
BUT - finding out was so difficult. Even though our insurance covers PCR tests I had to pay $128 to Walgreens (CVS in our area of NC no longer provides PCR tests) to get the test (will get reimbursed). Went Saturday morning because of timing. Labcorp didn’t pick the sample up until Monday night - which was very close to the 72 hour mark Walgreens promised me an answer. Surprisingly got my results same day in the evening 80 hours later. Very grateful.
IF I needed #Paxlovid and didn’t have insurance apparently its a good $500+ since the government has run out. But We’ve Got the Tools - right?
#covid #rebound #maskup #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #novid #Paxlovid
From listener q re: vaccine efficacy w/ variants & not being able to get Paxlovid: Vaccines continue to protect against severe disease and hospitalizations even w/ current #variants. Evidence coming in that being vaxxed also protects against #LongCOVID. But if you’re at risk and can’t get #Paxlovid, Dr. Griffin suggests to talk to your doctor about other treatments like metformin. (Although he also points out that it’s not officially recommended by any society anywhere...)
#variants #longcovid #Paxlovid #twivtldr #COVID
Real world data about Paxlovid - it reduces hospitalization by 69%. The effect is greater in people who didn’t finish the primary vaccine series, while it didn’t help as much for people who finished the primary #vaccine series. (Although, #Paxlovid definitely helped people severely immunocompromised or over 70, when their last shot was more than 6 months ago.)
#vaccine #Paxlovid #twivtldr #COVID
@tomkindlon @longcovid If you are prescribed #Paxlovid, buy gum when you pick it up. Something strong and long lasting. Also, strong drinks, like Coke or Root Beer. Paxlovid makes your mouth taste like you are sucking on metallic ass. But only for some of us, apparently. Like, Cilantro, I guess, but way, wayyyyyy worse.
So the doc proscribed #paxlovid for me for the COVID.
It is reducing a lot of the effects of COVID, though not all.
One side effect is you end up with a metal taste in your mouth.
My initial thought was "metal taste in my mouth? for a week? What is this -- marching band?"
I just discovered a new bit of fun: "metal taste in mouth" + "coffee with cream" = tastes like a mouth full of marijuana.