At Walmart
Fallout of cooling
Jobs less valued, pay reduced
#walmart #paycuts #labormarket #cinquain #poetry
#walmart #PayCuts #labormarket #cinquain #poetry Tim Cook is taking a 40% pay cut to a paltry $49 million. How is he ever going to survive? If that seems a bit snarky, you are perceptive. The oligarchy needs to be brought down several pegs. #oligarchy #apple #PayCuts
The NHS is socialism in action and thats what the Tories don't like.
#NHS #Socialism #Strikes #CostOfLiving #PayCuts #PublicSector
#publicsector #PayCuts #costofliving #strikes #socialism #nhs
I am on strike today alongside 70,000 other members of staff at UK universities. Our income after inflation has fallen 25% in recent years and we are currently being offered 3% while inflation is 10%. To add insult to injury we are being forced to increase our monthly pension contributions at the same time as having our pension entitlements reduced. They say cutbacks. We say fight back. #UCUrising #EnoughIsEnough #joinaunion #pensions #paycuts #fightback
#ucurising #enoughisenough #joinaunion #pensions #PayCuts #fightback