Unbezahlte Praktika in der EU verbieten! #payyourinterns
Wir @TheProgressives fordern verbindliche Regeln für Praktika! Dazu haben wir den Initiativbericht „Hochwertige Praktika in der EU“ vorgelegt, und in der Juni-Plenarwoche im #EP beschlossen. #banunpaidinternships https://t.co/M643ZFbexN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SCHIEDER/status/1672137414033195009
#PayYourInterns #EP #BanUnpaidInternships
Good win for young Europeans!
A strong majority in the European Parlement to ban unpaid traineeships. Young people deserve a fair and equal start on the labour market.
Now it is up to @EU_Commission to write it into law!
#PayYourInterns https://t.co/AyFqECbyn6
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/a_jongerius/status/1668940576337584129
53% of the respondents of a study made by @Youth_Forum declared they carried out 2 unpaid internships before finding a job.
Today, the @WorkersEESC calls to join the #GlobalInternStrike2023 to end youth exploitation. #PayYourInterns
👇Our opinion👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1627706781542514693
#GlobalInternStrike2023 #PayYourInterns
RT @EamonTewell@twitter.com
Follow up question: If your academic library offers paid internships, how much are they paid? Links to pages with internship info and pay rate are especially appreciated! #PayYourInterns https://twitter.com/EamonTewell/status/1201940829016907784
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EamonTewell/status/1215334881301012482