@AnneTheWriter1 Signs of the times, and welcome to see community support. It took a long time for Burgerville (in #PacificNorthwest) to sign, but workers did finally win. #solidarity
#PayYourWorkers a #LivingWage. #Labor #Strikes #Unions #UnionStrong #LaborLaws #Unionize #UnionStrike #Union #Illinois
#pacificnorthwest #solidarity #PayYourWorkers #livingwage #labor #strikes #unions #UnionStrong #laborlaws #unionize #unionstrike #union #illinois
RT @cleanclothes@twitter.com
.@adidas@twitter.com' change of direction yesterday, appointing a former garment worker as co-CEO & signing the #PayYourWorkers agreement, wasn't real. We worked with @theyesmen@twitter.com to expose how adidas' empowerment talk clashes with the worker exploitation it's built on. https://cleanclothes.org/news/2023/activists-high-profile-hoax-highlights-adidas-hypocrisy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cleanclothes/status/1615255402240786432
RT @cleanclothes: As you all know by now, yesterday's news about @adidas’ dramatic about-turn on leadership and ethics was all a big hoax! Prankster activists @theYesMen were behind it all, together with us. We're giving a bit of a breakdown of what happened. #adidasreality #PayYourWorkers 🧵👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/saskiabricmont/status/1615478619416952834
#adidasreality #PayYourWorkers
RT @cleanclothes: Sportswear brand @adidas has yet to take action in support of workers at Myanmar Pou Chen Shoe Factory. 26 workers were fired for leading a strike for higher wages.
Tell adidas to #PayYourWorkers & #RespectLabourRights at https://adidassteals.com/
Video credit: @RadioFreeAsia
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/pernandobarrena/status/1610669392471425025
#PayYourWorkers #RespectLabourRights
RT @WSRNetwork
In Myanmar, workers who earned less than $2 a day making #FIFAWorldCup gear for @adidas were fired after they went on strike to demand higher wages.
That's why we're calling on Adidas to #PayYourWorkers ⤵️
RT @labourlabel@twitter.com
The @FIFAWorldCup@twitter.com is built on worker exploitation. The stadiums, the footballs, the shirts – all were made by underpaid and abused workers. Not only FIFA, also major sponsor @adidas@twitter.com must compensate its workers now. Send an e-mail at https://labourbehindthelabel.org/adidas-stop-stealing-from-workers/ #PayYourWorkers
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/labourlabel/status/1594994874922815489
#PayYourWorkers #BoycottFIFAWorldCup #BoycottQatar2022
“Adidas ruba i salari delle lavoratrici”. La campagna internazionale per i diritti https://altreconomia.it/adidas-ruba-i-salari-delle-lavoratrici-la-campagna-internazionale-per-i-diritti/ #cleanclothescampaign #filieratessile #payyourworkers #sfruttamento #abitipuliti #Attualità #cambogia #tessile #adidas #lavoro #moda
#moda #lavoro #adidas #tessile #cambogia #attualità #abitipuliti #sfruttamento #PayYourWorkers #filieratessile #cleanclothescampaign
RT @Partner4Dignity@twitter.com
Stealing severance pay & wages from workers isn't new. @adidas@twitter.com has been doing this to workers for decades & continued during the pandemic. Workers in Cambodia are owed MILLIONS in unpaid wages 👀➡️ http://bit.ly/3tSq9Gh & http://bit.ly/372UpFa. #adidas 📢 #PayYourWorkers!
»Mall of Shame – Kampf um Würde und Lohn«. Neuer Titel in der @Buchmacherei über Hintergründe und Ausblicke des Arbeitskampfes an der „Mall of Berlin“. Hendrik und Olga von der #FAU Berlin haben für das Buch Interviews mit den Bauarbeitern, Fauist@s und anderen geführt und ein Hintergründe zusammengetragen. #MallOfShame #PayYourWorkers!
#FAU #mallofshame #PayYourWorkers