On the #JakartaEE / #JavaEE server front, my preference now tends to be for either #WildFly or #OpenLiberty. #GlassFish may be ok too, but I have actually seen the #Payara folks kind of unselling it a bit. Payara has really moved much more strongly to an #opencore model. I've seen some features pulled from Payara Community Edition in the last couple years (gives me bad vibes). #opensource
#jakartaee #wildfly #openliberty #glassfish #Payara #opencore #opensource #javaee
Be aware that the releases of application servers #Payara 6 and #Wildfly 27 are close. This will be a turning point in Java Enterprise Architecture. Both servers will be based on the latest #Jakarta EE 10 release and #Eclipse Microporfile.
#Payara #wildfly #jakarta #eclipse