Small idea with a big impact 4:
Put in place #legislation that allows for #communitygardens to be implemented. Often they get shut down by #local #government for no real reason. It's a community building exercise that also provides easier access to #healthy #food and provide #foodsecurity to low income #families and #individuals. Ask any family living #paycheck to paycheck, #fruits and #vegetables are NOT a #priority; hotdogs, bread, cheap meat, milk, pasta, and peanut butter are.
#Legislation #communitygardens #local #government #healthy #food #foodsecurity #families #individuals #Paycheck #fruits #vegetables #priority
I have be advised of the "Ticket to Work" program, but you may only work 20 hours a week, and after nine months, every penny you make comes out of your #paycheck (I hate thinking of it as "pay", but when it's all you are allowed to have, that's just what it is.)