This song in particular I believe accurately describes the situation in #Ukraine #PeaceNotWar #PeaceSellsButWhosBuying #UkrainePeaceDeal Come on peeps, stop already with the #GroupThink on this, critically think for yourselves. Why MUST it go on? Why?
#ukraine #PeaceNotWar #PeaceSellsButWhosBuying #UkrainePeaceDeal #groupthink
Who’s benefiting from the Ukraine war?#WarInUkraine #Ukraine #PeaceNotWar #StopFundingUkraineWar #StopUkraineAid it’s trashing our own country and economy and readiness, not to mention a proxy war with a major nuclear superpower
#WarInUkraine #ukraine #PeaceNotWar #stopfundingUkrainewar #StopUkraineAid
Some speakers are better than others. Andrew Murray far more coherent. And better at tennis than the apologists for NATO post-imperialism.
#StopTheWar #PeaceNotWar
#PeaceNotWar - Thousands protesting war on social media, making a stand against violence around the world. #NoWar #AntiWar #Protests #PeopleRiseAgainstWar戦争反対
#peopleriseagainstwar #protests #AntiWar #nowar #PeaceNotWar
Se per Zelensky in milioni non hanno scelto una bandiera bianca, ma una gialloblu... io e altrettanti milioni di uomini e donne hanno scelto questa di bandiera! Tu?
#PeaceNotWar #StopWar
Quando até a própria China apela a que se termine a guerra Rússia vs Ucrânia. #PeaceNotWar
Aus Gründen ... ☮️
#Ukraine #Ukrainekrieg #UkraineWar #Krieg #War #SchwerterzuPflugscharen #Frieden #Peace #PeaceNotWar #PeaceOnEarth
Diese Zeilen schrieb ich vor einigen Jahren.
Leider gelten sie noch immer.
#einjahrkrieginderukraine #ukraine #Ukrainekrieg #UkraineWar #krieg #war #schwerterzupflugscharen #frieden #peace #PeaceNotWar #peaceonearth
Well said, and I agree. And here's a wonderful meme that sums up how I feel about this ugly war. And I (personally) interpret 'Russia' to mean 'Russian Gov' and 'Ukraine' to mean 'Ukraine Gov', not the people of these nations. And, like you, I fully support the people, of all nations, who are suffering as a result of these gruesome wars.
#PeaceOnEarth #PeaceNow
#CeaseFireNow #CeaseFire
#PeaceNotWar #PeaceAlways
#peacealways #PeaceNotWar #Ceasefire #ceasefirenow #peacenegotiationsnow #peacenow #peaceonearth #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraineCrisis
"The Grinding War in Ukraine Could Have Ended a Long Time Ago."
#RussiaUkraineCrisis #RussiaUkraineConflict
#USPropaganda #WesternPropaganda
#MSMPropaganda #UnitedStatesPropaganda
#BrainwashingoftheMasses #Brainwashing
#UnitedStatesNarrative #WesternNarrative
#PeaceNegotiationsNow #CeaseFireNow
#PeaceNow #PeaceNotWar #NoMoreWar
#nomorewar #PeaceNotWar #peacenow #ceasefirenow #peacenegotiationsnow #westernnarrative #unitedstatesnarrative #brainwashing #brainwashingofthemasses #unitedstatespropaganda #MSMPropaganda #WesternPropaganda #uspropaganda #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraineCrisis
"Audio: Pentagon Wants To Return Special Ops Propagandists To Ukraine by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone"
#USPentagon #SpecialOps #Propagandists
#UnitedStates #Pentagon #SpecialOperations
#USPropaganda #UnitedStatesPropagandists
#RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaUkraineConflict
#RussiaUkraineCrisis #RussiaUkraineTragedy
#USRussiaProxyWar #RussiaUSProxyWar
#EnoughisEnough #PeaceNotWar #Peace
#PeaceOnEarth #AllWarmongersAreBrutal
#AllWarsAreBad #AllWarsBad #NoMoreWar
#nomorewar #allwarsbad #allwarsarebad #allwarmongersarebrutal #peaceonearth #Peace #PeaceNotWar #EnoughIsEnough #russiausproxywar #usrussiaproxywar #russiaukrainetragedy #RussiaUkraineCrisis #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraineWar #unitedstatespropagandists #uspropaganda #specialoperations #pentagon #unitedstates #propagandists #specialops #uspentagon
#SocialistSunday, Noon Edition:
Happy #SocialistSunday, my friends. Today, I will follow back all like-minded Socialists and others who believe in #Socialist #Peace principles noted in attached Eugene Debs meme. So, my darlings, let's get this party started. 😘
#socialistsarespicy #socialistsaresexy #socialistsarehot #socialistsarecool #PeaceNotWar #peaceonearth #nomorewar #eugenedebs #Capitalism #socialists #socialism #Peace #socialist #socialistsunday
#FollowbackFriday PM Edition:
Let's follow each other today.
#ArundhatiRoy #WordsofWisdom
#PeaceOnEarth #PeaceNotWar
#PeaceNow #EndAllWarsNow
#PeaceAlways #ForeverPeace
#AllWarsAreBad #AlwaysPeace
#alwayspeace #endallwarsnow #foreverpeace #peacealways #allwarsarebad #peacenow #PeaceNotWar #peaceonearth #wordsofwisdom #arundhatiroy #FollowBackFriday
#Facts #Truth #History
#RussiaUkraineCrisis #RussiaUkraineConflict
#BlackRock #JPMorgan #GoldmanSachs
#CorporateProfits #Profits
#Privatization #MoneyMotives
#PeaceNotWar #PeaceNow
#peacenow #PeaceNotWar #uspropaganda #mediapropaganda #brainwashingofthemasses #ulteriormotives #profitmotives #moneymotives #privatization #profits #CorporateProfits #goldmansachs #jpmorgan #blackrock #peacenegotiationsnow #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraineCrisis #allwarmongersarebad #MSMPropaganda #rogerwatersspeaksthetruth #rogerwatersisahero #rogerwaterstruth #UkraineFacts #documentedhistory #History #truth #Facts #usprovokedthiswar #usstokedthiswar
#RichardMedhurst #Podcast #Interview
#ScottRitter #UNWeaponsInspector (former)
#RussiaUkraineCrisis #RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraine #PeaceNOW #PeaceNotWar #PeaceOnEarth #EnoughIsEnough #NoMoreWar #StoptheInsanity #BidenBad #PutinBad #ZelenskyBad #AllWarmongersBad #USRussiaProxyWar #USRussia #ProxyWar
#proxywar #usrussia #usrussiaproxywar #allwarmongersbad #zelenskybad #putinbad #bidenbad #stoptheinsanity #nomorewar #EnoughIsEnough #peaceonearth #PeaceNotWar #peacenow #RussiaUkraine #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaUkraineCrisis #unweaponsinspector #ScottRitter #interview #Podcast #RichardMedhurst
Croatia's president doesn't seem to suffer fools gladly. He's asking valid questions and will be pilloried by western media for it. War isn't a game. It's easy for Boris Johnson and Sunak to prance about pretending they know anything. While they send others to war at a whim. Britain can't even defend its own borders.
#nowar #stopwar #peace #PeaceNotWar
Well said, Ron, and I agree, as potential #NuclearWar will result in total annihilation of our planet, and I'm not willing to die for any politician's ego trip, not #DemLeaders, not #GOPLeaders, absolutely nobody.
Thank you for your awesome toot. 🙏 😀
#VoiceofSanity #NegotiationsNow
#PeaceNotWar #PeaceOnEarth
#RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraineCrisis #peaceonearth #PeaceNotWar #negotiationsnow #voiceofsanity #gopleaders #demleaders #nuclearwar
RIP David Crosby #peacenotwar #music #thebyrds
"Martin Luther King, Jr. Week of Actions - Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!"
#WeekofActions #AntiWarMovements
#PeaceMovements #PeaceInitiatives
#EndAllWars #PeaceNotWar #PeaceOnEarth
#MartinLutherKingJunior #MartinLutherKing
#HonoringMLK #HonoringMartinLutherKing
#honoringmartinlutherking #honoringmlk #martinlutherking #martinlutherkingjunior #peaceonearth #PeaceNotWar #EndAllWars #peaceinitiatives #peacemovements #antiwarmovements #weekofactions
"New Song: Give It Away, Uncle Sam – Caitlin Johnstone"
#SolidaritySaturday #SolidarityAlways
#PeaceOnEarth #PeaceNotWar #EndAllWars
#CaitlinJohnstone #MusicVideo #WiseWords
#USImperialism #USCoups #USMeddling
#USFailedForeignPolicies #USEmpire
#USDestruction #USAggression #USWars
#USInterference #USWorldDomination
#usworlddomination #usinterference #uswars #usaggression #usdestruction #usempire #usfailedforeignpolicies #USMeddling #uscoups #usimperialism #WiseWords #musicvideo #caitlinjohnstone #EndAllWars #PeaceNotWar #peaceonearth #solidarityalways #SolidaritySaturday