I always remember #PearlHarbour day.
I was a teenager wanting to cash a check for some cash at a bank in downtown Mpls long before ATMs. It was probably for 5.00 and drawn on my small town bank.
The teller made me see a branch Mgr for the OK. I remember this big intimidating guy wearing a suit and dark tie. "Do you know what day today is?" Of course, it is Pearl Harbor day, we were attacked in Hawaii on this day. "Good, you can cash the check." He scribbled his initials on the check.
Beginning in 1932, US planes proved the ascendancy of air warfare by conducting a series of mock attacks on Pearl Harbor using bags of flour. On this day nine years later the Japanese did it for real…
"December 7, 1941 A Date Which Will Live in Infamy"
May God bless and remember those who lost their lives that day and during the rest of the Great Pacific War.
#neverforget #PearlHarbour #hawaii #ww2
December 7, 1941. #PearlHarbour #LestWeForget #OnThisDayInHistory
#PearlHarbour #lestweforget #OnThisDayInHistory