Oh those unexpected moments. Walking near downtown this morning on the way to the farmers’ market and lo and behold… #Pecans! Yep, all across the sidewalk. Giggling as we tossed them in our pockets
Oh those unexpected moments. Walking near downtown this morning on the way to the farmers’ market and lo and behold… #Pecans! Yep, all across the sidewalk. Giggling as we tossed them in our pockets
Here’s what you need to make this year’s holiday classic pies, tarts and cakes shine. | https://www.nytimes.com/article/best-thanksgiving-desserts.html #BakeriesandBakedProducts #CookingandCookbooks #ContentType:Service #ThanksgivingDay #Desserts #Pumpkins #Pecans #Cakes #Pies
#CookingandCookbooks #ContentType #ThanksgivingDay #BakeriesandBakedProducts #Desserts #Pumpkins #Pecans #Cakes #Pies