RT @TracieKnits
@EmbassyofRussia @KremlinRussia_E @mfa_russia @PMSimferopol @RussianEmbassy @RusEmbUSA @RussianEmbassyC @russiabeyond @Geostrat_ME @RusConsCapetown @Russia_Toronto You fucking losers started this war and now you’re complaining about how it’s going. Precious. #RussiaLies #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussiaIsLosing #RussiaIsCollapsing #PedoPutin
#russialies #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussiaIsLosing #russiaiscollapsing #PedoPutin
@irgarner Barring a fatal ham sandwich, even after #Ukraine pushes #Russia out of its territory (which I fully believe it will), #PedoPutin will still lob missiles against his neighbor whenever his regime needs a bump. All the more reason to provide air defense for Kyiv and tighten pressure on the Kremlin.
RT @ClancysSon
Allen Vatnyks, #PedoPutin-Fans, #AFDeppen und allen anderen Leerdenkern, Querschwurblern und Demokratiefeinden wünsche ich Unfrohe Festtage und dafür richtig gute Nachrichten für die 🇺🇦!
Und da ihr das folgende noch weniger ertragen könnt:
#PedoPutin #afdeppen #SlavaUkraini
RT @WarAgainstPutin@twitter.com
Russian terrorists destroyed a kindergarten in Bakhmut. #RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinWarCriminal #Russia #Putin #Pedoputin
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WarAgainstPutin/status/1597667240425709569
#RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinWarCriminal #russia #putin #PedoPutin
russian nazis will fall 🔥
#Pedoputin #russiannazi #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWarCrimes #PutinWarCriminal #RussiaIsLosing #NoPeaceTalksWithRussianTerrorists
#PedoPutin #russiannazi #RussiaIsATerroristState #Russianwarcrimes #PutinWarCriminal #russiaIsLosing #nopeacetalkswithrussianterrorists
Russia should be denazified, decolonized, demilitarised
No negotiations with #PedoPutin
RT @nichvydycia@twitter.com
this is russian speech for G20 summit
Kyiv, someone's home
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nichvydycia/status/1592520682302492672
#PedoPutin #RussiaIsATerroristState
I guess "children shouldn't be able to resist #PedoPutin" is a new strain of leftism
RT @DanReznikWSWS@twitter.com
Bansky is in Ukraine. He shows sympathy for Ukrainian nationalism, as seen in this mural which shows a boy (Ukraine) defeating a grown man (Russia). With this mural, Bansky exposed himself as a supporter of Ukrainian nationalism.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DanReznikWSWS/status/1591215462003929088
Always pedos, whenever you see some Russian op, there are some pedos involved. Weird coincidence, huh #PedoPutin
RT @ConspiracyBull1@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ConspiracyBull1/status/1590322810039111680
RT @cryptodrftng
53/ @Pontifex and #PedoPutin do have a lot in common. With a Pope like that, do we even need Satan? 🧐
@Reuters @GuyReuters #ReutersLies - everything’s obvious with you guys
@PhilipPullella - do you need help finding out who’s firing at the NPP? I can arrange you a ride