Since the detention of #PedroCastillo the unelected Peruvian Gov of Dina Boularte has unleashed a wave of terror with 70 protesters killed. If this was #Venezuela #Nicaragua #Bolivia or #Cuba the #EU would be looking for Regime Change - But all we get is expressions of concern..?
#PedroCastillo #Venezuela #Nicaragua #Bolivia #Cuba #EU
Peru: Ex-President Toledo extradited from US to Lima
#Peru #AlejandroToledo #PedroCastillo #AlbertoFujimori #corruption
#corruption #AlbertoFujimori #PedroCastillo #alejandrotoledo #peru
đ”đȘ DĂ©tention prĂ©ventive de 36 mois confirmĂ©e pour lâex-prĂ©sident Pedro Castillo đ°
#revuedepresse #perou #PedroCastillo
MUNDO| Destituyen a jefe de PolicĂa peruana, investigado por caso contra expresidente #PedroCastillo
đ”đȘ PĂ©rou | La dĂ©tention provisoire de lâancien prĂ©sident Castillo prolongĂ©e Ă 36 mois đ°
#revuedepresse #perou #PedroCastillo
Peru: Former president's pre-trial detention extended to 36 months
#Peru #PedroCastillo #anti-governmentprotests #DinaBoluarte #demonstrations
#demonstrations #dinaboluarte #anti #PedroCastillo #peru
Coup dâĂtat au PĂ©rou : grĂšve gĂ©nĂ©rale face Ă lâextrĂȘme droite.
Depuis le mois de dĂ©cembre, le PĂ©rou sâenfonce dans une dictature civile et militaire.
LâextrĂȘme droite et lâarmĂ©e ont confisquĂ© le pouvoir au prĂ©sident socialiste Pedro Castillo, dĂ©mocratiquement Ă©lu, aprĂšs que ce dernier a souhaitĂ© dissoudre le Parlement pour engager un nouveau processus constituant.
Sa vice-présidente Dina Boluarte a pris sa place le 7 décembre 2022.
#perou #pedrocastillo
[#UnMondeĂ Vif] Au PĂ©rou, «une rage extrĂȘmement puissante sâest exprimĂ©e»
Deux mois aprĂšs la tentative manquĂ©e de coup dâĂtat de #PedroCastillo au #PĂ©rou, oĂč en sont la crise politique et la rĂ©pression des mouvements sociaux? Mediapart a organisĂ© un dĂ©bat vidĂ©o en compagnie de trois universitaires spĂ©cialistes du pays.
#unmondeavif #PedroCastillo #perou
Grande PerĂș
#Colomba #PerĂș #Bolivia #Petro #PedroCastillo #Dina #PersonaNoGrata #Sapo #soberanĂa
#colomba #peru #bolivia #petro #PedroCastillo #dina #personanograta #sapo #soberania
Revuelo en PerĂș y toda LatinoamĂ©rica tras la entrevista exclusiva de El Salto a Pedro Castillo
#peru #PedroCastillo #democracia
#peru #PedroCastillo #democracia
President Dina Boluarte declared a state of emergency in Lima and several other regions of #Peru on Saturday in an attempt to end the protests that have rocked the country since the ousting of former President #PedroCastillo
Dina is an WEF member!
Day 9 of a general strike in #Peru after a soft US/WEF-backed coup overthrew progressive president #PedroCastillo. Seriously in-depth international media coverage? Next to ZERO?#PeruEnDictadura #PeruResiste #PedroCastilloResiste
#PedroCastilloResiste #PeruResiste #PeruEnDictadura #PedroCastillo #Peru
Peru's President #DinaBoluarte insists 'I will not resign' amid protests
Supporters of ousted president #PedroCastillo have marched & barricaded streets around since December, demanding new elections and the removal of Dina Boluarte, his successor & former VP
#Peru #Protest
#protest #Peru #PedroCastillo #DinaBoluarte
Peru extends state of emergency as anti-government protests spread!
Yeah the WEF committed a coup in Peru & the military/police are all on board!!
#Peru #DinaBoluarte #PedroCastillo
#PedroCastillo #DinaBoluarte #Peru
State of emergency declared in #Peru amid deadly protests!?
The measure was imposed amid the ongoing unrest over the ouster of former President #PedroCastillo
And its the police who are killing people!!
Peru: State of emergency declared in Lima, other regions
#Peru #DinaBoluarte #PedroCastillo #protests #stateofemergency #Lima
#lima #stateofemergency #protests #PedroCastillo #dinaboluarte #peru
After arrest of former President #PedroCastillo, demonstrations shook #Peru with a violence that has silenced world: a bloody trail of deaths that currently reaches 47 in a country of immense wealth in natural resources
Violent groups targeted infrastructure of tourist sites and tried to sabotage mining facilities.
Today a march was held in #Lima shouting "#DinaAsesina" against new president who was promoted from vice presidency, and intends to remain in office for 2yrs withour polls endorsement
#lima #PedroCastillo #peru #dinaasesina
Protests rock Peru a month after Pedro Castillo's ousting
#protests #PedroCastillo #dinaboluarte #peru
[PERĂ] IL POPOLO CONTINUA A CHIEDERE âQUE SE VAYAN TODXSâ, LA DITTATURA INVECE CONTINUA A SPARARE E UCCIDERE #solidarietĂ internazionale #americalatina #PedroCastillo #colpodistato #DinaBoluarte #Fujimorismo #Estero #News #Peru
#peru #news #estero #fujimorismo #dinaboluarte #colpodistato #PedroCastillo #americalatina #solidarietĂ internazionale