Fedi.Tips · @feditips
217175 followers · 5362 posts · Server mstdn.social

Most people following accounts on the Fediverse's video and audio platform PeerTube are actually on different Fediverse platforms like Mastodon etc. They will see your uploads in their Home timelines on Mastodon etc, in chronological order mixed in with all the non-PeerTube posts.

If you're a publisher on PeerTube, it's probably a good idea to avoid massive batch uploads, so you're not suddenly flooding your followers' timelines with videos/episodes.

#FediTips #PeerTips #PeerTube

Last updated 1 year ago

Recommandations de chaînes

Malheureusement, le seul contenu francophone que j'ai pu trouvé sont des miroirs de chaînes youtube mais c'est déjà ça !

Chaînes Tech :

  • Videos on linux, old harware and a very good video on mastodon : @veronicaexplains_channel
  • hebdo on linux and other tech news : thelinuxexperiment_channel@tilvids.com
  • Privacy and security videos very well crafted : techlore_channel@tilvids.com

Gaming :

  • Minetests mod reviews : minetestvideos@share.tube
  • Nogla mirror channel : daithidenogla@beetoons.tv

Misc :

  • Des vidéos nostalgiques : theatticdwellers_channel@tilvids.com

Miroirs youtubeFR :

#peertube #feditips #PeerTips #peertubers

Last updated 2 years ago

Fedi.Tips · @feditips
77400 followers · 2977 posts · Server mstdn.social

If you publish videos on PeerTube, it lets you organise them in two ways: your account and your channels.

An account shows everything that the person has uploaded all in one place. Channels are sub-divisions of the account, and show only some of the account's videos.

For example, the account @mrfunkedude has its videos subdivided into a cooking channel @baking, a short video channel @mrfunkedude_sfv and a philosophy channel @mrfunkedudes_place

HOWEVER... there's a catch 😮

On most Fediverse servers outside PeerTube the videos will appear to all come from the same account rather than any channels. The channels can be followed, but the videos will only show the account's name, not the channel's.

If you are using PeerTube channels to organise your videos, bear this in mind.

If you need to keep PeerTube videos completely separate, it may be better to use separate PeerTube accounts rather than relying on channels.

#FediTips #Fediverse #PeerTubeTips #PeerTips #PeerTube

Last updated 2 years ago

POUJOL-ROST Mathias ✅ · @poujolrost
273 followers · 10757 posts · Server mstdn.jp

[ 🔄 ]

@feditips 🔗 mstdn.social/users/feditips/st
If you're watching a PeerTube video, you can access subtitles (if it has any) by clicking the cog ⚙️ icon and selecting "subtitles/cc", then the language you want.

For example, this video has subtitles in 12 different languages:


You may need to press play to get the cog icon to appear.


#a11y #accessibility #captions #closedcaptions #cc #subtitles #peertube #PeerTips #PeerTubeTips

Last updated 2 years ago

Fedi.Tips · @feditips
77399 followers · 2977 posts · Server mstdn.social

If you're watching a PeerTube video, you can access subtitles (if it has any) by clicking the cog ⚙️ icon and selecting "subtitles/cc", then the language you want.

For example, this video has subtitles in 12 different languages:


You may need to press play to get the cog icon to appear.

Subtitles are normally done manually and added as files by the person uploading the video.

PeerTube admins may also want to try an unofficial transcription plugin which adds automatically generated subtitles. More info about the plugin at:


(I am not sure what the status of the plugin is though... Does anyone know if it is still being maintained?)

#a11y #Accessibility #captions #closedcaptions #cc #subtitles #PeerTube #PeerTips #PeerTubeTips

Last updated 2 years ago

Fedi.Tips · @feditips
77395 followers · 2977 posts · Server mstdn.social

If you're posting a video on PeerTube, it's a good idea to use single word or CamelCase tags.

These kinds of tags will be visible not just to PeerTube servers, but Mastodon and other Fediverse servers too. This will make it much easier for people elsewhere on the Fediverse to find your video.

If you use tags that have spaces in them, these tags will not be noticed by Mastodon, so the video will be harder to find.

#Fediverse #PeerTube #FediTips #PeerTips

Last updated 3 years ago

Fedi.Tips · @feditips
77396 followers · 2977 posts · Server mstdn.social

As you might have noticed, PeerTube has a plugin for chatting during livestreams (screenshot below). It's really nice!

If you do livestreaming on PeerTube, ask your server admin if the plugin can be added, it makes livestreams a lot more fun. There is more info about the plugin at github.com/JohnXLivingston/pee

The creator of the plugin is @John_Livingston and they have a roadmap of more features they want to add to the plugin. You can help make this happen by donating to Livingston's LiberaPay account at liberapay.com/JohnLivingston

#Alternatives #Twitch #livestreaming #Fediverse #FediTips #PeerTips #PeerTube

Last updated 3 years ago

Tobias van Ark · @TobivArk
45 followers · 420 posts · Server nrw.social
Fedi.Tips · @feditips
77387 followers · 2977 posts · Server mstdn.social

Have you noticed the likes on PeerTube videos disappearing?

A bug has appeared which causes likes from Mastodon on PeerTube videos appear but then disappear a while later.

If you want to know the technical details of what's going on, here's a discussion about the bug between PeerTube and Mastodon developers:


Hopefully this will be resolved thanks to a workaround in the next update of PeerTube 🤞

#Mastodon #PeerTube #Fediverse #MastoTips #PeerTips #FediTips

Last updated 3 years ago

Fedi.Tips · @feditips
77390 followers · 2977 posts · Server mstdn.social

The PeerTube instance tilvids.com has some of the best videos on the Fediverse, but at the end of last year a freak software bug in PeerTube broke a lot (maybe most?) of its follows from Mastodon etc.

However, the bug has been fixed in the latest version of PeerTube! 🥳

Unfortunately, the existing broken follows are still broken and need to be fixed manually.

To fix these broken follows, all current followers should unfollow Tilvids accounts, wait a short while and then refollow them. (NOTE: This needs to be done even if it looks like the follows are already working ok. Follows that are broken due to this bug don't look broken 😔 ).

New followers don't need to do anything special, totally new follows made after the bug was fixed should work fine first time.

#tilvids #PeerTube #Fediverse #FediTips #PeerTips #PeerTubeTips

Last updated 3 years ago

Fedi.Tips · @feditips
77392 followers · 2977 posts · Server mstdn.social

There's a new version of @peertube out today! 🥳

You can find out more at joinpeertube.org/en_US/news#re

I'm posting to clarify one thing from PeerTube's slightly ambiguously worded announcement...

No, they are not getting rid of peer-to-peer (p2p)! What they are doing is allowing instance admins and end users to switch p2p on or off by default.

P2P allows very small servers to host videos watched by very large numbers of people. Instead of everyone downloading the video from the server, they share it amongst themselves, which spreads the load significantly.

However, because of how p2p works, in theory you might be able to see the IP address of someone else who is simultaneously watching the same video with p2p on.

But if you remove p2p, small independent instances would no longer be able to serve popular videos, because they would not have the needed bandwidth.

As neither option is perfect, PeerTube are offering both options to all users and admins.

#PeerTube #PeerTips #FediTips

Last updated 3 years ago

Otwarte Źródło · @otwartezrodlo
232 followers · 581 posts · Server 101010.pl

Jeśli tworzysz oryginalną treść wideo 🎞️ i chcesz opublikować ją na Fediverse, to warto skontaktować się z administratorami tych instancji i zapytać, czy mieliby dla Ciebie miejsce na serwerze :

video-cave-v2.de (po niemiecku)

Albo możesz założyć swoją instancję PeerTube. Najłatwiej można to zrobić, kupując usługę hostingową tu: federation.spacebear.ee/softwa
lub tu: cloud68.co/instances/peertube

Oczywiście można wystawić też swój własny serwer PeerTube, ale to już trochę trudniejsze.

Post przetłumaczony z: mstdn.social/@feditips/1077974

Jest też wyszukiwarka filmów na PeerTube: sepiasearch.org

#PoradyFediverse #HostingWideo #film #wideo #video #peertubers #PeerTips #PeerTubeTips #peertube #fediverse #feditips

Last updated 3 years ago

Fedi.Tips · @feditips
77392 followers · 2977 posts · Server mstdn.social

If you make original video content and want to put it on the Fediverse, you could try contacting the admins (via the About page) of these instances to see if they have space for you:

video-cave-v2.de (in German)

Alternatively, you could set up your own PeerTube instance. The easiest way to do this is through a managed hosting service such as:




#videos #peertubers #PeerTips #PeerTubeTips #PeerTube #Fediverse #FediTips

Last updated 3 years ago

Fedi.Tips · @feditips
77377 followers · 2977 posts · Server mstdn.social

PeerTube is a free open federated alternative to YouTube, and part of the Fediverse

There's an official video about how PeerTube works here:


As it's part of the Fediverse, you can follow PeerTube accounts from Mastodon (PeerTube videos look like Mastodon posts when viewed through Mastodon).

You can see lots of recommended PeerTube videos and accounts by following @FediVideos

#Federation #FOSS #PeerTube #Fediverse #PeerTubeTips #PeerTips #FediTips

Last updated 4 years ago

Fedi.Tips · @feditips
77377 followers · 2977 posts · Server mstdn.social

If you're posting a video on PeerTube, it's a good idea to give it lots of relevant tags.

Tags on PeerTube are interpreted by Mastodon etc as hashtags, and people will be able to find your video more easily.

However, be aware that tags with spaces in them are ignored by Mastodon etc, even though PeerTube allows them.

To make sure people can find your video, only use tags without spaces. For multiple words, use CamelCase.

#Fediverse #hashtags #PeerTube #FediTips #PeerTips #PeerTubeTips

Last updated 4 years ago