Julien A. Raemy · @julsraemy
637 followers · 323 posts · Server hcommons.social

I guess by starting talking (or rather writing a question in the Google Doc) about Linked Open Usable Data - that is now very much tied to and (linked.art/loud) - in the session, lots of very interesting points have then been discussed around what "defines" it (API, Community-led). ping @azaroth42

#loud #iiif #Pelagios #DH2023 #linkeddata #LODLAM #LinkedArt

Last updated 1 year ago

Elton Barker · @eltonteb
204 followers · 45 posts · Server hcommons.social

Posted on behalf of my great friend twitter.com/DEJPett/

In 2013 the crowdsourced.micropasts.org/ project started, drawing on the power of the crowd to digitise 1000s of index cards in the British Museum on Bronze Age metalwork.

Fast forward a decade and a new website — bronze-age-index.micropasts.or showcases these materials, and much more.

The mapping interface operates at minimal cost (running Gatsby, Meilisearch, GitHub). It uses , @aboutgeo's magnificent software, re-developed using Anna Foka's project periegesis.org (on which I'm working) and a small grant from my university
(@OpenUniversity). It enables you to search by findspot and uses publicly accessible geodata sourced from finds.org.uk/.

Please feel free to get in touch if you'd like to know more / apply Peripleo to your data.


#AHRC #Peripleo #mapping #maps #openglam #glam #linkeddata #Pelagios #geography #museums #librarians #libraries

Last updated 2 years ago

Elton Barker · @eltonteb
154 followers · 29 posts · Server hcommons.social

Today and , at

This activity brings together projects and institutions with an interest in the representation of time and the sharing of temporal data:

- To discuss and catalogue existing shared standards in both the synchronous meeting and asynchronously edited documents;
- To examine the structure of sample data contributed by participants and explore its use in some existing tools for temporal modeling;
- To develop a charter for a proposed Time Interest Group for the Pelagios Network.

To get involved, please join our Zulip chat channel: time.zulipchat.com/join/j2lfop

Zotero library for nascent Pelagios Time Activity (open membership): zotero.org/groups/885185/pelag

GitHub organisation for collecting data and creating public documents (request access on Zulip chat): github.com/historical-time

For anyone interested in @digitalhumanities @archaeodons

#linkeddata #time #LinkedPasts #Pelagios #semanticweb #digitalhumanities #glam #openglam #archaeodons

Last updated 2 years ago

Elton Barker · @eltonteb
154 followers · 28 posts · Server hcommons.social

Today 13:30 - 14:30 GMT: Exploring text on maps at

The David Rumsey Map Collection is one of the largest and most visited libraries of digital maps worldwide. Thanks to the collaboration with the Machines Reading Maps project, new experimental features are being developed to enhance the ways in which the maps are accessed, searched, investigated, and overall experienced.

While these features are not yet available to the public, this activity shares their current state, to gather feedback and to discuss possible applications or collaborations.

After a 1 hour demo, we will ask participants to pitch possible use
cases and research applications. A small number selected will be given access to the work-in-progress features of the Rumsey Collection.

For anyone interested in @DigitalHumanites

Link to register: eventbrite.co.uk/e/exploring-t

#LinkedPasts #Pelagios #maps #mapping #ai #semanticweb #glam #openglam #digitalhumanities

Last updated 2 years ago

Elton Barker · @eltonteb
154 followers · 26 posts · Server hcommons.social

Today 16:00 GMT. DIY with at

Peripleo is an open-source browser-based tool that enables users to explore and data through the places those collections refer to. This demo will walk you through how you can create maps of your collections — how you can covert your spreadsheet data into standards, create a Peripleo web map, and serve this on Pages.

For anyone interested in @digitalhumanities

You can sign up here: forms.gle/25P5zHYV4byvhsGJ8

More information here:

#mapping #Peripleo #LinkedPasts #digitalhumanities #culturalheritage #Pelagios #linkeddata #github #maps #openglam #glam

Last updated 2 years ago

Elton Barker · @eltonteb
143 followers · 30 posts · Server hcommons.social

FAO people
interested in technologies , the super cool sponsored symposium is around the corner.

Summary programme: seadda.eu/?p=1808.

Details of asynchronous and in-person activities: docs.google.com/document/d/1ZV

Proceedings kick-off online at 15:00 GMT on Tuesday 22 November, with an introduction to this year's four asynchronous activities — what they're about, why they're important, how to get involved, etc. These activities will run (in real time & via shared documents) between Nov 22 and 28, before the in-person event starts (29 Nov - 1 Dec) in York.

The four activities are:
1. DIY LOD mapping with

2. LOD and international collaboration

3. Exploring text on maps

4. LOD Time activity

There's something for everyone!

Sign up to get involved here: seadda.eu/?p=1808

Be seeing you.

#Peripleo #LinkedPasts #Pelagios #edtech #Education #ai #glams #openglam #linkeddata #digitalhumanities #litstudies #mapping #academics #librarians #archaeodons #histodons

Last updated 2 years ago