#2 in my creation of NPCs for #pelgranepress 's game Mutant City Blues.
Lois Lindstrom is one of the four pre-generated characters for a mini-campaign I am working on involving a week-long political rally.
Code name: Cold Read
Template: Cold Case
Skill Focus: Technical
Powers: Ice Blast, Wind Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation
Affiliation: Tri-State HCIU
THIS is the Humble Bundle I have been waiting for!!! Now I am torn between running Monster of the Week or Trail of Cthulhu for my kids and their cousins when we meet around Halloween ... #trailofcthulhu #pelgranepress https://www.humblebundle.com/books/trail-cthulhu-pelgrane-press-books
#trailofcthulhu #PelgranePress
Trail of Cthulhu 2nd edition! Thanks to Ben Riggs. #cthulhu #gumshoe #pelgranepress https://pelgranepress.com/2023/09/06/announcing-trail-of-cthulhu-2nd
#cthulhu #GUMSHOE #PelgranePress
72. #FearfulSymmetries (#PelgranePress) Archie and Cassie are dealing with the consequences of interacting with the mythic underpinning of the Dreamlands. And Archie is also having strange dreams, in the Dreamlands, of his girlfriend and snakes. It's all very Jungian it seems.
#FearfulSymmetries #PelgranePress #ttrpg #2023games
Looks like #PelgranePress just announced a new edition for #TrailOfCthulhu, which is an _amazing_ game, probably the best “classic" Cthulhu Lovecraftian game. I love it and can't wait to see how they update it and make it more accessible and welcoming to new players.
#PelgranePress #trailofcthulhu
A comprehensive review of #PelgranePress' #NightsblackAgents, a #Spy / #horror #ttrpg about hunting #Vampires, by @hexcrawl (#TheAlexandrian).
I recommend both: the game and the review.
#PelgranePress #NightsBlackAgents #spy #horror #ttrpg #vampires #thealexandrian #gumshoe
On the other hand:
GUMSHOE taught me how to manage a procedural adventure. Information might give the PCs an advantage, add flavor, or be nice to know. And there are things that don't make sense to gate behind a dice roll - what the players need to know to get through the adventure.
#RPGaDay2023 #RPGaDay #ttrpg #ttrpgs #GUMSHOE #pelgranepress
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #ttrpg #ttrpgs #gumshoe #PelgranePress
Very nice. I haven't seen too many examples of Duet play. 😀
#TTRPGDuet #TTRPG #PelgranePress #IndieTTRPG #FirstEditionRPG
#ttrpgduet #ttrpg #PelgranePress #indiettrpg #firsteditionrpg
34. #13thAge (#PelgranePress) - The PCs challenge each other to climb up behind a waterfall and two are captured by sprightly roots but they fight themselves free. Then they find a tomb of a previous archdruid and take the heart as instructed to plant in the centre of the awfulness on the upper plateau. They find the last bastion holding out and cooperate on a diversionary sortie which gets them to the top of the cindercone, spewing foul blackness into the lake.
#13thage #PelgranePress #ttrpg #2023games
Here's a podcast in which I talk to the lovely fellows at @magethepodcast about Fearful Symmetries, the campaign I wrote for Trail of Cthulhu. They do a better job of explaining what I mean on occasion, which is how good they are. It's an hour of us on the Campaign: the background, the magic, the Folklore Engine, the History Machine, and then 30 minutes of them applying this to Mage: The Ascension. It was enormous fun!
#ttrpg #mage #FearfulSymmetries #PelgranePress
I played around in HeroForge and then turned the result into a Swords of the Serpentine character. #PelgranePress #swordsoftheserpentine
Name: Dandolo, the Budget Paladin of Sag Harbor
Adventurous, Amiable, Affordable
Smiting evil for a nominal fee; Maintaining order; Receiving the small yet spendable material gratitude of the masses
Allies and Enemies: Ally: Church of Denari 1; Ally: Commoners 1; Enemy: Monstrosities 1
Defenses - Health: Health Threshold 3, Armor 1, Health 8
Defenses - Morale: Morale Threshold 4, Grit 1, Morale 10
Investigative Abilities: Trustworthy 2, Laws & Traditions 1, Vigilance 1, City's Secrets 1, Know Monstrosities 2, Spot Frailty 2, Tactics of Death 2
General Abilities: Athletics 4, Bind Wounds 2, Preparedness 8, Sway 6, Warfare 10
Gear: A grim but tidy hovel in Sag Harbor; A battered ancestral sword that once slew the Vampire Vizier of the Arch-Lich; Mismatched and damaged but well polished armor; A stack of Hero-for-Hire contracts notarized by scammers posing as bureaucrats; Unreasonable but infectious optimism
Sir Dandolo Marcelli--he doesn't always use the honorific, but according to family lore, he's entitled to it--comes from a long line of champions sworn to protect the people of Eversink from monsters, heretics, and ruffians of every sort. Envy or economic ruin may have lost his forebears the soaring tower in Alderhall they surely must have had at some point, but, with a change of neighborhood to the slums of Sag Harbor, Dandolo has continued the crusade, just as his father, great uncle, and great-grandfather did before him. (Grandpa Marcelli, it seems, worked at the fishmarket and only rarely took up the blade of justice.)
Sag Harbor is well supplied with villains and inconsistently policed, so Dandolo keeps busy defending his neighbors from threats. He asks only a few iron pennies or a meal in return, mindful of the Church's prohibitions against charity. Dandolo is rather better at his profession than his run-down appearance suggests, and his combination of affordability, competence, and arguably delusional tales of family glory have won him many friends and clients.
#PelgranePress #swordsoftheserpentine
The most fantastical and realistic premise I've ever written:
'The catastrophic loss of life and property led to defunding governmental law enforcement agencies. Insurance company premiums became so high only the wealthiest could afford to practice super powered acts.'
#mutantcityblues #PelgranePress #ttrpg #ttrpgdev
Cet article qui donne des outils pour jouer des animaux dotés de conscience pour #SwordsoftheSerpentine me donne raiment envie de développer un monde animal parallèle dans Eversink, un peu comme une Cour des Miracles avec ses complots, ses intrigues, et ses mystères!
#jdr #Gumshoe #PelgranePress
#PelgranePress #GUMSHOE #jdr #SwordsoftheSerpentine
Interesting developments on The Raspy Raven Western Season, as a certain game designer signs up to play a certain game, run by a certain other game designer.
Will the streams cross and reality implode!?
Feel free to join in too https://forms.gle/aYU86aoKxGsyEYyDA
#ttrpg #owlhoottrail #PelgranePress
8. #FearfulSymmetries (#PelgranePress) - the mystery deepens as the Cotswolds continue to shift in time and space. What of the missing jacket and how did the corpse get up the tree? I'm sure Archie and Cassie will get to the bottom of it.
#FearfulSymmetries #PelgranePress
A stunning Euro-spanning campaign for #PelgranePress #TTRPG #NightsBlackAgents – the #DraculaDossier won a gold ENNIE in 2016 and is an incredible tapestry of interwoven plots, threats, and conspiracy certain to confound and entertain.
This was my chance to freelance under the watchful gaze of Ken Hite and Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan. I wrote the locations for Italy, plus an NPC and an organization.
I love the watercolour place illustrations and enjoyed the process of research and revision.
#PelgranePress #ttrpg #NightsBlackAgents #DraculaDossier
@Mbrichman @pelgranepress I'm playing Nights Black Agents which I love. #TTRPGs #PelgranePress
I just collected a 2 book parcel from the UK at my Newtown Parcel Locker.
It's almost certainly my pre-ordered Fearful Symmetries & The Book of the New Jerusalem.
#PelgranePress #trailofcthulhu
@jheath I’ve got more #PelgranePress stuff on my shelf than any other UK company. Of their stuff #13thAge
@bss I'm interested to see what 2E produces. I don't have time for the playtest but I generally trust #13thAge players and #PelgranePress to get things right.