#AdamSchiffCensored #PencilNeck #SchiffForBrains #SwampCreatures #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA remove all communist leaders/bought off watermelon heads
#AdamSchiffCensored #Pencilneck #SchiffForBrains #swampcreatures #draintheswamp #maga
Any Republican or DemonRat who doesn’t vote for the resolution is exposing their real colors as members of the Deep State.
#SchiffForPrison #SchiffForBrains #SchiffFine #Accountability #LiarLiarPantsOnFire #PencilNeck
#WatermellonHead #ImpeachAdamSchiff #RemoveSchiffFromCongress #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA
#SchiffForPrison #SchiffForBrains #SchiffFine #accountability #LiarLiarPantsOnFire #Pencilneck #WatermellonHead #ImpeachAdamSchiff #RemoveSchiffFromCongress #draintheswamp #maga
#Pencilneck triples down on the Russian collusion #hoax.
This turd has a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, proving once again liberalism is a mental disorder.