@BenjaminBugl Do you know more about #mythicbastionland? I'm not into #DnD / #OSR clones, but this looks very intriguing (so far) ! In my opinion, it feels like #Pendragon on (smart) drugs?!
It is quite possible that I will support this project for once. We'll see.
#mythicbastionland #dnd #osr #Pendragon
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 31 - Favourite RPG. **DON'T MAKE ME CHOOOOOOOSE!** There are so many, great, great games out there, and they all bring something different. Just this year I've hugely enjoyed #TrophyDark, #Liminal, #YellowKing, #BlueHack, #Numenera, #BlackSwordHack, #Pendragon, #MatronsOfMystery, #OSE, #Mausritter, #OutOfTheAshes, #RiversOfLondon and more. All were fabulous, all were different. So, my favourite RPG is all the RPGs - diversity rules!
#rpgaday2023 #TrophyDark #liminal #YellowKing #BLUEHACK #numenera #blackswordhack #Pendragon #matronsofmystery #ose #Mausritter #OutoftheAshes #riversoflondon
There's a game I got to finally play recently that had been lurking on the fringes of my #ttrpg experiences for years. It's treasure and magic kept hidden from me.
I'd seen #Pendragon in the stacks on the Hobby Barn long, long ago. But, my paper route didn't provide the scratch for it.
A friend ran it play by email recently and I dug it. Really like the ancestral idea, the saxon invasion period, and sliding scale personality traits. Chaste v Lustful score #RPGaDay2023
#ttrpg #Pendragon #rpgaday2023
@Jensenator ich vermute, es gibt abseits von #Pendragon erstaunlicherweise gar nicht so viele Ritter-Rollenspiele/Settings. Also Ritter-Rollenspiele jetzt nicht im #Harnmaster - Sinne (Mittelaltersimulation) sondern in dem Sinne, dass die Spiele den ideologischen Überbau und die romantisierende Rezeption des wehrfähigen Adels des europ. Mittelalters in den Blick nehmen und die SC dann den entsprechend dieser Narrative durch die Gegend eiern.
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 8, favourite character. Sir Clarion, the fabulous knight who managed to miss pretty much every roll in my first game of #Pendragon has to come close, but really it has to be Vane, who somehow made it to 14th level as an illusionist in the days of #AD&D1E. He had tales to tell. Boy, did he have tales.
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 7: Smartest RPG I've played. I've only played it once, but #Pendragon's Traits were a revelation. Such an elegant way to put you in dialogue with your character and a perfect machine for evoking drama.
#RPGaDAY23 Day 6 - favourite game you never get to play. I’ve finally got to play both #Pendragon and #SwordsOfTheSerpentine, leaving next in the list I really want to play as #NightsBlackAgents. One day…
#rpgaday23 #Pendragon #SwordsoftheSerpentine #NightsBlackAgents
First ever game of #Pendragon at #GenConOnline. What a game! A really elegant system. Absolutely loved it.
#TTRPG #Design
I’m a fan of generational RPGs like #Pendragon or #Legacy , so I’ve imported the style to other games.
There are lots of nice-to-haves, but the essentials are:
1) Retirement: mortality or aging should remove old PCs to make room for the next gen.
2) Inheritance: new PCs should benefit from prior PCs.
3) Time: the world should change so we see PCs impact over time
4) Balance: new PCs must be fun even with experienced PCs (via niches, spotlight, or flat power curves)
#ttrpg #design #Pendragon #legacy
Comment rendre magiciens et soigneurs plus utiles et actifs, une aide de jeu #pendragon
@LeviKornelsen I really enjoy all sorts of convos about GM/Ref business, especially #hexcrawls and sandbox elements, tools, etc. Mechanically, I’m most likely to hop into #dnd, #odnd, #adnd, #osr, or #nsr talk as I’m most familiar with those systems. I’ve got #traveller and #pendragon on my to-play list so I definitely keep my eyes peeled for posts about those. General #worldbuilding is fun too. Always looking for topics and materials to highlight on my YouTube channel, #hexedpress.
#hexcrawls #dnd #odnd #adnd #osr #NSR #traveller #Pendragon #worldbuilding #hexedpress
#rotfl #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TimeWatch #beyondthewall #bladerunner #BrindlewoodBay #callofcthulhu #Coriolis #cyphersystem #deltagreen #die #gumshoe #heart #fallofdeltagreen #grizzledadventurers #ironsworn #laundry #liminal #mothership #mutantcityblues #NightsBlackAgents #ose #Pendragon #RedMarkets #riversoflondon #shadowdark #sin #spectaculars #starforged #throughsunkenlands #trailofcthulhu #triangleagency #troika #Trophy #weirdindiestuff #YellowKing
I have been watching this #Pendragon actoual play: https://youtu.be/haTTy6U-vW0 , and now I really want to run some Pendragon, which is strange, since I don't normally enjoy medieval settings, or Arthurian legend.
I know, I know - I'm a nest molester. Preaching tolerance all the time, but people who don't like or even criticise your shit are stupid need to be put down - ideally as part of a moronic mob. I love it!
Anyway, lately I keep thinking about a short campaign #Pendragon. I think it gives me more than raiding more stupid dungeons and dragging dragons down the aisle.
Also, the creators in the interviews seem more sympathetic to me than most #DnD / #OSR zealots.
Forsooth! Tis Yet Another Completely Unprofessional Unboxing with
@Chaosium's new Pendragon Starter Set. Come see what this chivalric little box set establishes that will set you and knights off in search of adventure, honor, and glory. 🤘😊 #TTRPGs #pendragon
When I first got regular internet access post/university, I joined two fandom communities - for Pratchett, and the #Pendragon RPG.
The former I am still in touch with, but the latter I mostly lost when the [KAP] mailing list died.
Does anyone know if there is a #PendragonRPG community on Mastodon?
#ttrpg #chaosium #Pendragon
34) And then Chaosium decided it was time to introduce us to the Basic RPG version of chivalry in legendary times. "Pendragon" was a great game, with rules for creating knights of Camelot and for working through their yearly lives.
And only recently they have released a new version of this game.
#TTRPG News Digest for June 30, 2023: New #DnD 2024 playtest packet, pre-orders for Phandelver and Below, #Paizo finalized the #ORCLicense, new #RPG releases for #Pendragon and #Shadowrun, and more! https://www.enworld.org/threads/news-digest-for-june-30-2023.698525/
#ttrpg #DnD #paizo #orclicense #rpg #Pendragon #shadowrun
What's in the #Pendragon #Starterset by @chaosium_inc?
I'm quite interested into this #ttrpg introduction. Maybe get it to the gaming table finally. The brief intro campaign, a few sessions, appears to be enough to get a taste.
#Pendragon Not #DnD @Chaosium
#Pendragon #Starterset #ttrpg #dnd
What's in the #Pendragon #Starterset by @chaosium_inc?
I'm quite interested into this #ttrpg introduction. Maybe get it to the gaming table finally. The brief intro campaign, a few sessions, appears to be enough to get a taste.
#Pendragon Not #DnD
#Pendragon #Starterset #ttrpg #dnd