After reading #PennBadgley's slam on the recent #Netflix series on #JeffreyDahmer and the sickening way so many (white) women have expressed lust and romantic interest in that portrayal of the serial killer cannibal, and in his own purely fictional character who's not far removed from that in #You, I decided to watch the show.
I'd avoided the show because descriptions read as if it romanticized #stalking, based on so many white women's reactions.
After episode 1: white women need help.
A lot.
#stalking #you #jeffreydahmer #Netflix #PennBadgley
Penn Badgley Reads Classic Literature as Joe From 'You'
You - Penn Badgley rimproverato per le scene di autoerotismo #netflix @NetflixIT #One #PennBadgley #scenesesso #victoriapedretti #20luglio
#20luglio #victoriapedretti #scenesesso #PennBadgley #one #netflix