> ... [If] we now overvalue the machine, is it not because the mechanistic doctrine which has made us competent to design machines and control them also promises to give the scientist an equal hold over the living organisms he unfeelingly identifies with machines? In a world of machines, or of creatures that can be reduced to machines, technocrats would indeed be gods.
#LewisMumford in #MythOfTheMachine: #PentagonOfPower on #AI #ChatBot #ChatGPT #OverClaims and hype, but in 1970: same pattern
#overclaims #chatgpt #chatbot #ai #PentagonOfPower #MythOfTheMachine #LewisMumford
> ... [If after] four centuries.. we now overvalue the machine, is it not because the mechanistic doctrine which has made us competent to design machines and control them also promises to give the scientist an equal hold over the living organisms he unfeelingly identifies with machines? In a world of machines, or of creatures that can be reduced to machines, #technocrats would.. be gods. --- #LewisMumford, #MythOfTheMachine: #PentagonOfPower. p 72
1970 #Mumford on #Tech #RichGuy #AIHype
#aihype #richguy #tech #mumford #PentagonOfPower #MythOfTheMachine #LewisMumford #technocrats
Winona LaDuke's tone, chiding a little boy, in her open letter to Shopping-Car-Space-Guy (SNS-buyer) seems appropriate. An illustration and it's description, an astronaut as capsule-mane, came to mind from Lewis Mumford's #MythOfTheMachine #PentagonOfPower(1971)
#Mumford #LewisMumford #MythOfTheMachine #PentagonOfPower #SpaceGuy #Astrounauts #ElonMusk
#elonmusk #Astrounauts #SpaceGuy #LewisMumford #mumford #PentagonOfPower #MythOfTheMachine
Beautiful Spring Day! Nice to have the windows open and to goof around outside. The chickens are enjoying the day with dirt baths too.
The kind of day when you feel "the wind that awakened the stars blowing through" your blood and you are happy not to be an astronaut of TopGun fighter pilot.
#LewisMumford #PentagonOfPower #MachineMyth #astronaut baby #TopGun #FighterPilot
#FighterPilot #topgun #astronaut #MachineMyth #PentagonOfPower #LewisMumford