White Clouds and Crimson Trees by Tanomura Chokunyu. 155 pieces. Made by Artifact Puzzles.
Despite the small number of pieces, the nature of the picture and the design made this a fun challenge (approx. one 45-minute session with two people).
The design is based on one of the pentagonal tiling patterns discovered by amateur mathematician Marjorie Rice.
Another one done during an (ongoing) multi-day power outage.
#TanomuraChokunyu #Nanga #ArtifactPuzzles #JigsawPuzzles #Jigsaws #MarjorieRice #PentagonalTilings #NorEasters
#ArtifactPuzzles #jigsawpuzzles #jigsaws #MarjorieRice #PentagonalTilings #TanomuraChokunyu #nanga #NorEasters