RT @WZN_de@twitter.com
Morgen um 11 findet unsere Pressekonferenz statt!
Dabei stellen wir die Kampagne vor.
Den Link gibts per Dm
#WirZahlenNicht #PeopleNotProfits #EnergiekonzerneEnteignen
"The 1.5C goal may not yet be physically impossible to achieve, but #COP27 has shown it is politically impossible."
Because despite being on the brink of #ClimateBreakdown, global leaders didn't even agree on neither 'phasing out' nor 'phasing down' of #FossilFuels. They decided to prioritise #BigOil short term profits, instead of people.
However we mustn't give up, because every fraction of degree matters.
#PeopleNotProfits #EndFossilFuels
Read this Damian Carrington take: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/20/cop27-summit-climate-crisis-global-heating-fossil-fuel-industry?CMP=twt_a-environment_b-gdneco
#cop27 #climatebreakdown #fossilfuels #bigoil #PeopleNotProfits #endfossilfuels
In the middle of the unfolding #ClimateCrisis, #COP27 has come to an end without raising ambitions to tackle #GHGEmissions , that's a complete failure.
Although a #LossAndDamage fund is historical, without an agreement on even phasing out #FossilFuels, it doesn't mean anything at all.
In the end, #FossilFuels succeed at watering down the COP27, they are the biggest winners this year.
It'll not only allow #BigOil to keep polluting with impunity, but also it opened the door for the further development of #Gas infrastructure.
We're one step closer to #ClimateBreakdown.
#ClimateCrisis #cop27 #GHGEmissions #lossanddamage #fossilfuels #bigoil #gas #climatebreakdown #PeopleNotProfits
Es waren 36.000 Menschen beim #Klimastreik #peoplenotprofits
#KlimaStreik #PeopleNotProfits
Mit tausenden sind wir auf der Straße und sagen #PeopleNotProfits 📢
Dabei darf es nicht bei Appellen bleiben sondern wir müssen Klimagerechtigkeit selbst in die Hand nehmen. Bald beginnt die Rodungssaison, #Lützerath #FecherBleibt und viele mehr sind räumungsbedroht - hin da!
#PeopleNotProfits #Lützerath #fecherbleibt
RT @ibuibu_nk
Neuer Anstrich für die neoliberalen Schweine der FDP 🥳 #peoplenotprofits
Als Warm-Up für den globalen Klimastreik gehen wir diesen Freitag in Form einer Mahnwache auf die Straße. 🪧✊ Kommt vorbei und rührt mit uns für den 25.03. nochmal ordentlich die Werbetrommel:
📢 Mahnwache
📅 Fr, 18.03. 14:00 Uhr
📍 Historisches Rathaus
#PeopleNotProfits https://t.co/aY3SFRVUZy
Posted 16. March 2022 - 21:54 on Twitter
Origin: https://twitter.com/FFF_Muenster/status/1504214568079396865
Noch 10 Tage bis zum Klimastreik!
#PeopleNotProfits https://t.co/xy3Cx9gedO
Posted 15. March 2022 - 16:25 on Twitter
Origin: https://twitter.com/FFF_Muenster/status/1503769291254079495
RT @peoplesvaccine@twitter.com
"Imagine if superheroes had the same profit motives as these pharmaceutical companies. Those movies would be hella different"
Listen to @Trevornoah@twitter.com, Moderna.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/peoplesvaccine/status/1448682109846106115