I’ve worked out a way to tell the difference between the good and bad people in your neighborhood/town/city - post up in the car park at your grocery for an hour or two and watch who pushes their empty trolley to the corral and who leaves it in the space. The ones who push it to the corral are the considerate ones. 1/2
Humans have pumped so much groundwater from the #Earth that it's actually caused the planet's axis to shift, a new study found
Love this app I just realized none of my friends and most of my family isn’t on here so I can literally rant all I want and no one will throw a fit😍 #ranting #PeopleSuck
The number of people I see on the train, unmasked and coughing into their hands is *%!&#%!!(!$ maddening. Just insane that people learned nothing since this started. Not even for covid but just general health and a reduction of spreading anything infectious.
And people wonder why I continue to mask and hand wash or sanitize very frequently...
#commute #train #work #pandemic #illness #peoplesuck
#commute #train #work #pandemic #illness #PeopleSuck
Some son of a bitch keyed my car yesterday. People fucking suck. #PeopleSuck
@axwax @OBO It'll just be replaced by the "I put an ESP-CAM in something to spy upon people" trend. Dammit.
;TLDR #PeopleSuck
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05398-2 #COVID #MaskUp #ScienceMastodon #nature #science #covidisnotover #omecron #COVID19 #n95 #Immunecompromised #peoplesuck
#COVID #MaskUp #ScienceMastodon #nature #science #covidisnotover #omecron #COVID19 #n95 #Immunecompromised #PeopleSuck
A work-related email notification popped up on my screen a few minutes while I reading an e-book. Now I want rip my hair and scream into the void. #PeopleSuck sometimes.
A work-related email notification popped up on my screen a few minutes while I reading an e-book. Now I want rip my hair and scream into the void. #PeopleSuck sometimes.
A work-related email notification popped up on my screen a few minutes while I reading an e-book. Now I want rip my hair and scream into the void. #PeopleSuck sometimes.
Vermögenssteuer, Transaktionssteuer einführen und Kapitalertragsteuer und Tonnagesteuer abschaffen bzw. die Steuervergünstigung darauf.
Subventionen raus aus allem was umweltschädlich ist und rein in existierende umweltfreundliche(re) Alternativen, parallel in Forschung/Technik investieren, aber an Hochschulen und nicht bei Unternehmen.
Massiv Moore, Wälder, Böden renaturieren.
Zumindest für die Zeit des Wandels ("Ökosoziale Wende") ein BGE einführen, dazu großflächig Umschulungen zu neu entstehenden/gestärkten Berufen für alle Bildungsschichten anbieten.
Wählt mich jetzt, damit ich bei der ersten großen Spende aus der Wirtschaft alle Ideen über Bord werfe und das selbe mache, wie die ganzen anderen Parteien. #ParteienSystemAbschaffen #VoteIdeasNotPeople #PeopleSuck
#ParteiensystemAbschaffen #VoteIdeasNotPeople #PeopleSuck
@Lockdownyourlife I'm tempted to be an extremely rare [for me] activist, and suggest you consider using CamelCase for your hashtags. #JustSaying #TheMoreYouKnow
Screen readers choke on all-lower words butted together, vs CamelCase
...people have a chance to reinvent themselves too, but that's me being high on endorphins and dopamine from a long, intense workout. The truth is #PeopleSuck - and in that, I completely agree with you. :)
#justsaying #themoreyouknow #PeopleSuck
(we're selling the house - keep up)
One of our agents had a potential buyer who scheduled and then asked to reschedule her viewing *three* times, and finally on the fourth date, simply failed to show and the agent can't reach her.
We've told him that if she asks him for a new date, he should say that we have no intention of selling to her because she is clearly a flake, so she can therefore fuck off.
#PeopleSuck #courtesy #respect
The US is heading for a civil war https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/5/31/the-civil-war-that-is-here-and-the-one-that-may-yet-come
The US may be "close" to the conditions leading to civil war, but TBH, most gringos are too lazy, clueless, or worried about the Kardashians to pick up a gun and defend democracy if it comes to it. #PeopleSuck #FuckHope