Wir haben einen offenen Brief gegen den UK Data Bill unterzeichnet, der nun veröffentlicht wurde:
RT @DefendDemocracy
We call for a strong EU #AIAct — one that tackles risks posed by generative AI systems like ChatGPT.
@DeirdreCluneMEP @svenja_hahn @AxelVossMdEP: you can stop the next man-made technology crisis.
Our joint letter: http://eko.org/aiact
RT @StollmeyerEU@twitter.com
BREAKING: President Biden calls on U.S. Congress to unite against #BigTech abuses.
"I urge.. to pass strong bipartisan legislation to hold Big Tech accountable" and to protect privacy, children & competition.
#DefendDemocracy #PeopleVsBigTech
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/StollmeyerEU/status/1613238001395720193
#PeopleVsBigTech #DefendDemocracy #BigTech
RT @ASEANMP: JOINT STATEMENT: Nobel laureates @mariaressa & #dmitrymuratov launch action plan to tackle the information crisis unleashed by Big Tech & rebuild independent journalism. Find out more at: https://t.co/4qgqCrVQv6 #peoplevsbigtech
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/blochbihler/status/1566654295843508224
#DmitryMuratov #PeopleVsBigTech
RT @PeopleVsBigTech: 10 Nobel Peace Prize laureates + 80 experts and organizations are calling for systemic change to Big Tech's harmful business model.
See their Action Plan to address our information crisis: https://peoplevsbig.tech/10-point-plan #PeopleVsBigTech
RT @NienkePalstra: WE'RE HIRING: a consultant to support our campaign taking on Big Tech's problematic business model - including to new jurisdictions beyond the EU. DM me for any questions. Deadline 9 May. #PeopleVsBigTech
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/kimvsparrentak/status/1521524873029423107
🇪🇺The #EU reached an agreement on the Digital Services Act (#DSA), a law that brings us one step forward in the fight for a better, safer internet!
✊ Let’s keep protecting our rights on the internet ✊ #PeopleVsBigTech
RT @schirdewan: Ich unterstütze #PeopleVsBigTech
und diesen offenen Brief an #Macron, unsere sensiblen privaten Daten vor dem Profitstreben der Internetkonzerne zu schützen.
Dafür werde ich mich weiterhin in den Verhandlungen zum Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz einsetzen. #DSA
RT @AmnestyEU@twitter.com
The EU’s Digital Services Act must respect #HumanRights
Along with 71 civil society organisations, @amnesty@twitter.com is calling for the #DSA to be strengthened to clamp down on unwanted tracking ads & dark patterns #PeopleVsBigTech
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyEU/status/1498955919849316353
#humanrights #dsa #PeopleVsBigTech
The #DigitalServicesAct should serve people, not BigTech. Surveillance ads creep on our personal data to exploit our vulnerabilities.
@alexagiussaliba @ArbaKokalari @charanzova @Ansip_EU @AdamBielan @SchaldemoseMEP end surveillance ads now!
#PeopleVsBigTech #TrackingFreeAds #digitalservicesact
RT @edri
Surveys show people don't want surveillance ads. Experts explain harms are serious.
Will Members of the @Europarl_EN (MEPs) listen to reason when they vote on #DigitalServicesAct next week?
Read more: https://platformpower.eu/to-choose/
#TrackingFreeAds #PeoplevsBigTech #PlatformPower
#PlatformPower #PeopleVsBigTech #TrackingFreeAds #digitalservicesact
Surveillance ads harm people and democracy, while BigTech benefits.
@alexagiussaliba @MarinaKaljurand @SchaldemoseMEP @karmel80 will you defend people's interests?
#digitalservicesact #PeopleVsBigTech #TrackingFreeAds
Überwachungswerbung schadet den Menschen und der Demokratie, während BigTech-Konzerne Milliardengewinne schäffeln.@BirgitSippelMEP @MariaNoichl @MarionWalsmann @IsmailErtugwerden Sie die Interessen der Menschen verteidigen? #TrackingFreeAds #DigitalServicesAct #PeoplevsBigTech
#PeopleVsBigTech #digitalservicesact #TrackingFreeAds
Surveys show people don't want surveillance ads. Experts explain harms are serious.
@ArbaKokalari @charanzova @Ansip_EU @AdamBielan @czorrinho @miapetrakumpula will you listen to reason when you vote on #DigitalServicesAct?
#PeopleVsBigTech #TrackingFreeAds #digitalservicesact
Aucune confiance à Facebook nuit sciemment à la santé mentale des enfants. Il nous faut des lois fortes tout de suite @SchaldemoseMEP @ArbaKokalari @charanzova @AlexandraGeese @alebassoMEP @AdamBielan @schirdewan #PeopleVsBigTech
We, the people of Europe, demand technology that serves us, instead of putting us, our communities and our democracies at risk.
We call for an end to Big Tech’s destructive business model which has turned our own data into weapons against us.
We demand a better internet, where citizens are able to access vital infrastructure and information, and thrive off connection and participation, without being reduced to products in ...
RT @johnnyryan@twitter.com
Enforcement against Google, Facebook, and other Big Tech is paralysed by Ireland: in 3 years since GDPR (May 2018-May 2021) Ireland sent only 4 draft decisions for the EDPB. 98% (160) remain unresolved. #PeopleVsBigTech https://www.iccl.ie/digital-data/2021-gdpr-report/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/johnnyryan/status/1437291703883517956
Recently, we stepped up our fight against surveillance advertising along with 13 other companies. More about it in this open letter 👇 https://vivaldi.com/blog/letter-ban-surveillance-based-advertising/
Very glad to see @AmnestyTech also on the same road.
#bansurveillanceadvertising #privacy #PeopleVsBigTech
[Video embedded in original tweet]
#BanSurveillanceAdvertising #privacy #PeopleVsBigTech
RT from Amnesty Tech (@AmnestyTech)
.@amnesty is calling for a ban on surveillance advertising - because we shouldn't have to choose between accessing the internet & enjoying our human rights.
Watch the video to find out more.
[Video embedded in original tweet]