Join UCS & other advocates for a webinar on corporate accountability at @jpmorgan. It's time to phase out financing for fossil fuel expansion. #ClimateJustice #PeopleVsFossilFuels. Learn more on Wednesday, May 3, 9am PT/12pm ET.
Info and RSVP: https://act.ucsusa.org/3Ms6AOz
#PeopleVsFossilFuels #climatejustice
The pictures are rolling in from the #StopDirtyBanks Day of Action! UCS was proud to march with @350Mass & @ThirdActOrg in downtown Boston to tell @Chase & @BankofAmerica to STOP funding climate destruction! #PeoplevsFossilFuels
#PeopleVsFossilFuels #stopdirtybanks
RT @IENearth@twitter.com
Register now to join us tomorrow Wednesday, 1/18 to Spark Joy(e), and kick-off an extinguish fossil fuels day of action on 1/20!
Register at http://bit.ly/sparkjoye
#JoyeBraunDay #KeepItInTheGround #PeoplevsFossilFuels https://twitter.com/ienearth/status/1615035875934470185
#PeopleVsFossilFuels #keepitintheground #joyebraunday
RT @350Triangle@twitter.com
🧵Call Congressional Leadership to urge them to block Senator Manchin’s #DirtyDeal! You can use the phone #s & script below to urge Appropriations leaders NOT to include the dirty deal in their end-of-year spending package 👇. #PeoplevsFossilFuels
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/350Triangle/status/1604539182327640065
#dirtydeal #s #PeopleVsFossilFuels
RT @RichmondGreenUR@twitter.com
🚨URGENT: The #DirtyDeal could be voted on tomorrow morning. Use the numbers & script below to urge your Rep, Senator, & Speaker Pelosi to vote NO on any rule that advances the #DirtyDeal👇. #PeoplevsFossilFuels
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RichmondGreenUR/status/1599877598494208000
#dirtydeal #PeopleVsFossilFuels
House rule vote on attaching #DirtyDeal to #NDAA tomorrow morning!
I just called my Senator, Representative, & Speaker Pelosi to urge them to block Senator Manchin’s #DirtyDeal. Please join me! Call 917-791-2257, (888) 997-5380, & (202) 225-4965 & use the script below 👇. #PeoplevsFossilFuels
“Hi, my name is ____, & I’m from ____. As your constituent I’m urging you to vote NO on any rule that would advance Senator Manchin’s dirty permitting deal. I'm deeply concerned about any legislation that would fast-track fossil fuel projects and undermine our ability to give input on new energy projects.”
#ClimateEmergency #EnergyJustice #NoDirtyDeal #StopMVP #PeopleVsFossilFuels
#DirtyDeal #ndaa #PeopleVsFossilFuels #climateemergency #EnergyJustice #NoDirtyDeal #StopMVP
So, you think the UN will help, eh? On what grounds?
"Big Wind, Jacob Johns, Jamie Wefald, and Angela Zhong missed the second week of the climate conference after being suspended for standing up with a “People vs Fossil Fuels” banner during Biden’s speech last Friday. The Indigenous activists, Wind and Johns, gave a war cry to announce themselves and draw attention to the fossil fuels crisis before security officials confiscated the banner. The group then sat down and Biden continued."
#Cop27 #CopOut27 #UN #Activism #IndigenousVoices m #PeopleVsFossilFuels #Biden
#cop27 #COPOUT27 #un #activism #IndigenousVoices #PeopleVsFossilFuels #biden
ALL HANDS ON DECK! 🙌 We cannot afford any more dangerous fossil fuel projects that threaten our climate & communities. Tell your Reps to do all they can to block Schumer & Manchin’s dirty “deal” with the fossil fuel industry: tinyurl.com/blockthedeal
RT @IENearth
📢@POTUS We cannot let Big Oil leverage war to increase profits and raise gas prices for working people. We need to use this moment to transition off fossil fuels for good. You can use your executive power to jump start our renewable energy future. #PeoplevsFossilFuels
It's a violent "insurrection" worse event in US History since 9/11. Maybe @AOC & her colleagues should launch a commission.
RT @FightFossils
BREAKING: Indigenous Leaders are occupying the Bureau of Indian Affairs in DC for the first time since the 1970's. #PeopleVsFossilFuels
RT @IENearth@twitter.com
The youth-led March has made it down to the Capitol ✊🏾 #PeopleVsFossilFuels #PeoplePower #LetYouthLead
#LetYouthLead #peoplepower #PeopleVsFossilFuels
'To Change Course of History,' US Climate Movement Takes Aim at Biden White House
#PeopleVsFossilFuels is coming. "If we all come together, put our bodies on the line in the name of climate justice, we may be able to change the course of history.”
https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/10/10/change-course-history-us-climate-movement-takes-aim-biden-white-house #ClimateEmergency #pollution #environment #ecology #US #ClimateStrike
#pollution #environment #PeopleVsFossilFuels #climateemergency #ecology #us #climatestrike
Fossil fuel projects lead to climate disasters and harm communities.
October 11-15 thousands of people will take action at the White House to engage in civil disobedience and to demand that POTUS choose a side: #PeopleVsFossilFuels