That Perfect Dark reboot is still in early development and years from release, report claims - #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Firstperson #PerfectDark #Microsoft #Nintendo #Xbox360 #RareLtd #Shooter #Rare #PC
#pc #rare #shooter #RareLtd #xbox360 #nintendo #microsoft #PerfectDark #firstperson #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive
Kotaku: Game Company That's Buying Everything Does Heel Turn, Goes All In On 'Exploiting Lord Of The Rings' #gaming #tech #kotaku #englishlanguagefilms #actionadventuregames #thelordoftherings #business2cfinance #tombraiderseries #crystaldynamics #xboxgamestudios #creativeworks #larswingefors #windowsgames #matthewkarch #gamecompany #perfectdark #linuxgames #philrogers #tombraider #videogames #tolkien #amazon
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #englishlanguagefilms #actionadventuregames #TheLordOfTheRings #business2cfinance #tombraiderseries #crystaldynamics #xboxgamestudios #creativeworks #larswingefors #windowsgames #matthewkarch #gamecompany #PerfectDark #linuxgames #philrogers #tombraider #videogames #tolkien #amazon
Was seriously tempting to grab one, with two boxed copies of #PerfectDark (one £20 and one £10 due to condition) in #CeX for the #N64. If only I had somewhere I could safely store them rn, so I had to unfortunately pass them by because of that (I'd have got them even without owning a N64 if I didn't feel I'd damage the box with my current hovel). Shame, though, really cool to see these boxes in the wild.
#PerfectDark #cex #n64 #gaming #retrogaming
When I was growing up, this meant lots of #Goldeneye and #PerfectDark on the #N65 (#Nintendo64). At university, it meant lots and lots of #Halo with folks living on my hall. Nowadays it means nostalgia with #GoldeneyeSource (an online multiplayer version built on the Half Life 2 game engine) with a bit of #Titanfall2 and #CSGO mixed in. I've never personally gotten the appeal of 3rd person perspective for shooters, but if you're a fan maybe you can tell me why?
#goldeneye #PerfectDark #n65 #nintendo64 #halo #goldeneyesource #titanfall2 #csgo
What are your #top10 videogames of all time? 🎮
Doesn’t have to be ranked, just in alphabetical order. Also only 1 game per franchise.
#top10 #breathofthewild #chronotrigger #eldenring #finalfantasyvii #megaman3 #metalgearsolid3 #monsterhunterworld #PerfectDark #residentevil4 #supermetroid #games #gaming #videogames #retrogames #retrogaming
Perfect Dark development beset by "fast and furious" staff departures - #CrystalDynamics #TheInitiative #PerfectDark #FPS/Shooter #Microsoft
#crystaldynamics #TheInitiative #PerfectDark #fps #microsoft
Tomb Raider reboot studio now working on Perfect Dark reboot - #CrystalDynamics #XboxGameStudios #TheInitiative #PerfectDark #FPS
#crystaldynamics #xboxgamestudios #TheInitiative #PerfectDark #fps
Может пару лет назад Я был бы и рад, но сейчас... скажем так, «Crystal Dynamics» в данный момент доверия не вызывают, хоть и не то чтобы безнадежная кандидатура. Чёрт знает, что привело к вовлечению сторонней студии в разработку. То ли «The Initiative» не хватает рук, то ли опыта. При чём это же явно не какой-нибудь аутсорс. Если только после недавних успехов «Square Enix» не отправили своих подопечных на не самые благородные хлеба. Сомнительные новости, как по мне.
Ну остается ждать и надеяться, что с новой «Perfect Dark» всё будет хорошо.
#PerfectDark #CrystalDynamics #TheInitiative