Another underated band:
Aathma is the fifth studio album by Andorran metal band Persefone. They are so great , believe me

- Aathma

#progtuesday #ProgressiveDeathMetal #deathmetal #metal #Persefone

Last updated 1 year ago

Thomas · @thomas
4114 followers · 3923 posts · Server

Spiritual Migration from Persefone

One of my all-time favorite Progressive Metal albums! It is perfect for a Sunday afternoon listening session or for getting to sleep.

Fast, rough moments as well as very calming sections.

The album is basically what the title says: A Spiritual Migration. Once you have played it a couple of times and know the patterns, it's even more enjoyable!

#Persefone #metal #progressive

Last updated 2 years ago

TentinQuarantino · @TentinQuarantino
31 followers · 101 posts · Server