Animation of #perseid #meteor shower over the Netherlands in the night of 10 - 11 August 2023, created in #qgis with #opendata from the #globalmeteornetwork downloaded from site by @tammojan. See if you want to create this yourself.
#Perseid #meteor #qgis #opendata #globalmeteornetwork
Second update: Clouds cleared so I took some more photos. This one is definitely a Perseid meteor. Alas, right at the edge of the frame, and teensy, and my focus was off, and it's marred by clouds, but I'll take it.
#Perseid #Meteor #Astrphotography #Photography
#Photography #astrphotography #meteor #Perseid
Update: actually it's just a satellite. :( See thread.
Well, I can't say I'm any great shakes at astrophotography, but I did manage to see 3 Perseid meteors and photograph 2, despite clouds, light pollution, and camera fumbles. I'll put this is the successfully documented category, but it's not a great photo. 35mm (very cropped) 15 sec., f1.4, ISO 200.
#Perseid #Meteor #Astrophotography #stars #LightPollution #Photography
#Photography #lightpollution #stars #astrophotography #meteor #Perseid
Just caught a #ShootingStar on photo while watching the #Perseid meteor shower. #shotoniPhone
#ShootingStar #Perseid #shotoniphone
For those in the southern USA right now (12 Aug 12am CDT) trying to see the #perseid #meteor shower, first look for #Cameleopardalis (the #giraffe) in the NNE, then find the #supergiant #star CE-Camelopardis (aka HD21389) which marks his tail, then look down a bit...
Yes, the #perseids are coming out of the giraffe's butt.
#Perseus is probably a bit annoyed by his meteors taking this route, but the giraffe didn't get installed until 1613.
#astroprotology #Astronomy #skywatching #perseus #perseids #star #supergiant #giraffe #cameleopardalis #meteor #Perseid
Peak viewing in Michigan of the Perseid meteor shower is expected to be this Saturday night until about 4AM Sunday.
#Michigan #Astronomy #Perseid #meteorshower
We took the car, drove north for 40 minutes, took a mega-creepy field/wood lane, parked between two fields, and did some splendid #stargazing / #Perseid -hunting. It's amazing how much Nothing there is to be had, just a short drive away from #London.
We took the car, drove north for 40 minutes, took a mega-creepy field/wood lane, parked between two fields, and did some splendid #stargazing / #Perseid -hunting. It's amazing how much Nothing there is to be had, just a short drive away from #London.
From the peak of the #Perseid meteor shower 🌠 to the Moon posing with Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus 🌕✨ here’s some of the great stuff you can see in the sky this August: