Geeks anciens · @GeeksAnciens
695 followers · 424 posts · Server

Sur les Actualités des études anciennes : une critique du livre "Proserpina, regina infernorum. Proserpine, reine des Enfers", livre bilingue de Benjamin Demassieux et Laure de Chantal paru aux Belles Lettres dans la collection "Les Petits Latins".

#latin #belleslettres #mythologieromaine #mythologiegrecque #LanguesAnciennes #petitlatin #geeksanciens #hades #proserpine #Persephone #pluton

Last updated 1 year ago

Charlotte Clark ✅ · @ukgenealogylinks
70 followers · 156 posts · Server

New book to read and review. Bought from Persephone Books.

#VirginiaWoolf #books #Persephone #writer

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
451 followers · 1162 posts · Server

📖🖋️ Presenting: My Persephone Grimoire & Book Of Shadows

Today I just wanted to share some of my favorite pages that I've created in my new little project; a Goddess and/or Book of Shadows. A lot of it so far is scribbles since my handwriting isn't the best, but I've been treating this journal almost like one of my Journals. I promised myself this year I would carry more of her energy with me as often as possible.

Persephone, as you all know to be my chosen Deity, is the Goddess of , while also being the Queen of the . This book is my collection of little things that pertain to Persephone in any way and my way of recording it all. I've created pages for her holidays, the use of pomegranates, and just simple info dump pages too. I'm hoping to have this journal pretty much full and finished by the end of the year, so here's to hoping! 🥰

#Persephone #grimoire #shadowwork #spring #Underworld

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
440 followers · 1142 posts · Server

🌱🌷 Maiden Persephone Journaling Prompts -

• What are my greatest fears..?
• What effect do these have on me..?
• What are my passions that I neglect..?
• When have I sought out approval from others..?
• Do I allow someone else to control decisions for me..?

#shadowwork #writingprompts #journaling #prompts #Persephone #kore #february

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
420 followers · 1064 posts · Server

wants us to celebrate ourselves as we are today in this present moment-- but just as she is an ever-cycling dual , so to are you!

This is your daily reminder to allow yourself to keep growing 🌱

#Persephone #goddess

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
417 followers · 1049 posts · Server

I know that occasionally we all feel otherwise, especially with the craziness of life lately-- but please know, your love you 💗

So you haven't really tidied their altars in forever? They understand!

Don’t really have the motivation to give them daily offerings? They get it!

Now think about it.. you haven’t left bed for a few days? You're feeling really low on your own totem poll? They still care about you! (Especially , she's all for putting yourself first!)

You aren’t devoting time to them lately, let alone yourself? They don’t mind!

Fucked something up in your craft or even daily routine? They’re not going to ditch you for your mistakes!

Decide to take a break from work? Totally cool, they’ll still be here for you when or if you return!

Your deities understand your struggles. Even your mental health-related issues. They get it, and they love you regardless. Just do your best for them, and for yourself. They’ll appreciate your valiant attempt at TRYING!

Our and don't hold resentment against us, all they want to do is show us kindness in return for our own (and the occasional trick or two, thanks Hermes!)

Keep your head up :candle_pixel:

#deities #Persephone #deity #gods #goddesses #paganism #spiritualism #dietywork #devotees

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
405 followers · 1009 posts · Server

Fun Shwee Fact: I am obsessed with sour jars. I have been using sour jars for my hexs since the beginning of my craft.. and to be truthful.. I learned how to and faaaaar before anything else 😅

But I mean hey.. IS the Goddess of Justice! 🤭

#hex #Curse #Persephone

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
396 followers · 964 posts · Server

There are many different takes on and her story, but one that always seems to ring true is the idea of her and even more so of her .

In one way or another, every take on her relationship with her mother or with Hades revolves around some form of her own and within that relationship, and essentially her respect for herself. The thing about Persephone is that she knows her worth, she is aware that even on her own she is still a powerful and, eventually, still a as 'destiny' would point out. It's interesting though, this idea that her is what sets her apart from the 'Sweet Innocent Goddess of Spring' she was supposed to be. It shows that, especially from a feminine point of view, changes the way people perceive who you are. One outburst of new anger (not even necessarily aggression either) is often enough to shift the mindset of anyone who's trying to decide your worth in their eyes.

But at the end of the day, Persephone always knows her worth. She knows how to be the Duel Goddess in her own eyes, regardless of the opinions of others. Part of this really helps sink in for me personally how my own battles with are validated in that my splitting episodes and outbursts don't change who I AM at MY core.

#Persephone #darkness #Wrath #Strength #goddess #queen #rage #anger #bpd

Last updated 2 years ago

@AimeeMaroux It might not quite not be my genre, but " makes the King of the Underworld her little bitch" REQUIRES boosting. I know perfection when I see it!


Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
391 followers · 946 posts · Server

Lover bought me flowers because he's amazing and I put them over my small wall to dry and it's honestly such a vibe! 🥰🌹♥️

#Persephone #altar

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
387 followers · 930 posts · Server

Last October I started my themed tattoo on my right arm and I wan't to show it off.. Presenting: Stella and Sterling the Northern Ghost Bats! 🦇

I told the artist I want a as well as a and narcissus flowers. Today, this little project is getting colored in and I AM SO EXCITED Y'ALL!!! 🥰

#Persephone #northernghostbat #pomegranate #tattoo #bats #art

Last updated 2 years ago

Nico Antonio Grande · @nicogrande
3 followers · 77 posts · Server


Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
369 followers · 848 posts · Server

I started to have a mini-panic attack at work (over a bunch of things) and immediately messaged Lover.. Who then sent me a prayer and asked me to slowly recite it with him till I felt better. Having my rose quartz and garnet crystals with me, as well as my wrist rosary.. All of these things really are helping me kinda.. Re-Center in their own way

Y'all this man.. I do not deserve him I swear 😭 🥺


Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
369 followers · 847 posts · Server

🥀 Worshipping Lady 🌷

Persephone () is the Goddess of Spring, Queen of the Underworld, Wife of , and Daughter of .. and she is still SO much more than that!
I’ve created this thread for myself and in the hopes that it may be helpful to someone else wishing to learn, study, and worship Lady Persephone. 💕

🖤💗 So you want to bring more of Our Lady Persephone's qualities into your life..?

First, recognize that everything you do to nurture your own sensual enjoyment of life will help enlarge the influence of Persephone within most of your personal life! She wants you to remember to stay close to your inner child and to remember who you really are at your core.

💕 Easy Ways to Worship as a -- I - X

🖤🥀 I • Start by slowing down!

Like Our Lady Persephone herself, take time to stop and smell the flowers! Make it a point to watch a or on occasion, even if it means losing a few extra minutes of sleep. She wants you to experience the world with a great big 'WOW' more often!! Allow yourself to soak in energies whenever you’re able to reach them, there's so much more in life to than you’d think.

💗🌷 II • Persephone blossomed from a naive and innocent young ; into a self-confident almost overnight!

Find a picture of yourself as a young child, place it in a lovely frame, and set it out where you can see it and admire how and innocent you were then. (I chose a picture on the railroad tracks, back when I still lived in the 'Grafton House' (one of my three childhood homes) Everything felt so much simpler back then, everything felt like… I had so many options open ahead of me, it's crazy to look back and see that now!)

🖤🥀 III • Take time to think about your :
• What were the things you did that felt ..?
• What once caused you or ..?

these down and review them frequently and allow yourself to release any thoughts that you formed against yourself. You may not have felt heroic, but you’ve so much from the past, and you’ve saved more people than you’d think. Embarrassment, like pain, only lasts so long. You have to remember to be to yourself.

💗🌷 IV • Persephone, as Queen of the , was known as a and welcoming hostess.

Practice really giving your full attention to someone else; listening to them with both your and an . May it be your child, your partner, or your friend; show them your ! I’ve been trying to practice more than I preach, I want people to feel like they can reach out to me and that I’ll be here to listen whenever they actually need me.

🖤🥀 V • Find an open weekend, and leave all your adult responsibilities behind for just a day or two; now it's time to !

Don't worry what other people will think, call it a weekend if it makes you feel better, but whatever you do, just allow yourself to exist! It’s about time we had time with just ourselves, we need to remember how to vibe alone in our own even occasionally.

💗🌷 VI • Move toward letting go of Old .

If you cannot forgive, at least accept with understanding! Let go of the hate for someone who you feel betrayed your innocence by forcing you to assume responsibility before you were ready (Such as my relationship with my bio mother)

🖤🥀 VII • Check that your and aren't being divided.

Sometimes you need to channel your energy into fewer and more directions. Visualize what you want to happen and repeat it until your positive thoughts become a and your a reality!

💗🌷 VIII • Work on trusting that it is to express your feelings even if it means risking hurt.

Let others know how you feel about them, even if it's not something good. Often they too may be looking for someone's blatant ! Remember, the truest of friends are the honest ones.

🖤🥀 IX • Stay , , and !

Pick fresh flowers, go to parks, play on swings, and do silly things like whistling while you work. Focus on developing a free and enjoy the spontaneous that are so freely available in this life if you know where to look!

💗🖤 X • Surround yourself with Persephone's symbols.

Share her youthful energy by carrying her favorite crystals, dress in her colors, or spray the scents of lavender and vanilla on all your linens. Persephone in everything you do to encourage her energies around you!

#Persephone #kore #hades #demeter #persephonedevotee #sunrise #sunset #positive #enjoy #child #queen #vulnerable #past #heroic #embarrassment #pain #write #negative #learned #kinder #Underworld #gracious #heart #openmind #love #play #mentalhealth #energy #resentments #youthful #adult #passions #attention #rewarding #habit #intentions #safe #honesty #young #wild #free #spirit #pleasures #embrace #hellenism #witchcraft #ourladypersephone #goddess #selfcare #Pagan

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
346 followers · 766 posts · Server

🌱🌷 Maiden Persephone Journaling Prompts -

• What do I want to achieve this year..?
• What makes me feel energetic and vital..?
• How will I spread joy and light in the world..?
• Which areas of my life do I want to reinvigorate..?

#shadowwork #writingprompts #journaling #prompts #Persephone #kore

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
346 followers · 766 posts · Server

🌱🌷 Maiden Journaling -

• What do I want to achieve this year..?
• What makes me feel energetic and vital..?
• How will I spread joy and light in the world..?
• Which areas of my life do I want to reinvigorate..?

#Persephone #prompts #shadowwork

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
325 followers · 676 posts · Server

I've been in a weird headspace so far this year honestly up until today and I definitely have to thank for that!!!!

I hadn't done my morning ritual to her yet this year at all until this morning, I took my roast with me to work after, and I've felt light and bubbly all day in comparison to the last four 🥹💕

Blessed be to Our Lady Underground for always coming to her devotees exactly when she's need most


Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
325 followers · 676 posts · Server

PLEASE recommend me new accounts to follow!!! Who are your favorite people? Who do you love having conversations with? Who do you like seeing pop up on your timeline?

I want to build my feed, meet new people, and make new friends 🥰

(hashtags are for similar interests searching 💗)

#shadowwork #witchcraft #Persephone #hellenic #hellenism #witch #bpd #Devotee #goddess #Weed #selflove #selfcare #Pagan #persephonedevotee #bookish #reader #apothecary

Last updated 2 years ago

khthoniaa :pinkmoon: · @khthoniaa
815 followers · 830 posts · Server

About Me: A Re-

Since I've been on for almost two months now, I figured I should reintroduce myself for all the new folks on Mastodon! Welcome, and thanks for visiting my page!

— General Info —

:Furby_mothman: Nickname: Gabby/Gabe

🪪 Age: 25

:potion_nonbinary: Pronouns: they/she/fae

🏡 Location: New England, USA

— My Hashtags —













#introduction #sociology #lgbtq #queer #nonbinary #pansexual #biracial #blackmastodon #Persephone #aphrodite #dionysus #djehuty #Aset #Ausar #witchcraft #magick #occult #Tarot #Divination #scrying #orphicmysteries #eleusinianmysteries #aliens #ufo #ultraterrestrials #cryptids #Pagan #paganism #religion #spirituality #philosophy #interfaith #reading #writing #surrealism #horror #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee 🌟 · @Iamshwee
283 followers · 530 posts · Server

Hello, Everyone~ if you don't already know, my name is Shwee! 💙

🌟 My Links:

Thought I'd do a little about myself to go along with the new aesthetic and environmental changes I'm building here-- So, here goes nothing!

I am a Shadow Worker, Hellenic Witch, and Persephone Devotee who focuses on sharing tips, tricks, and more with the Witchcraft and Pagan communities. You'll often see me sharing my own personal favorite self-love affirmations, mantras, self-care rituals, and daily writing prompts for those following me while on their own Shadow Work journeys!

Over the last two years on the 'birdsite' I've created a vast collection of Shadow Work prompts, all of which I have used to build calendars, a pyramid system, as well as many other threads and daily writing prompts-- All of which I would love to start sharing HERE as soon as possible!! 🖋️

One main thing to know about me however is that I occasionally post (with CW) about my personal struggles with Depression, Infertility, Borderline Personality Disorder, Oneirophrenia, and other Mental Illness as well as references to Marijuana use. But I will ALWAYS mark these posts with CW to ensure the comfort and safety of my friends and followers here!!


#new #introduction #shadowwork #witchcraft #Persephone #hellenic #hellenism #witch #bpd #Devotee #goddess #Weed #cannabis #selflove #selfcare #Pagan #persephonedevotee #fedi22 #trunk #newhere #Capricorn

Last updated 2 years ago