【P3P/初見プレイストーリー実況】ネタバレ注意!6月中盤~山岸風花の能登麻美子ボイスでタルタロスも無双できそう #6【新人Vtuber/ペルソナ3ポータブル/Persona3 Portable】 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1785821/voice-actress/
#6新人Vtuberペルソナ3ポータブルPersona3 #p3p #P3P初見プレイストーリー実況ネタバレ注意6月中盤山岸風花の能登麻美子ボイスでタルタロスも無双できそう #persona3 #Persona3Portable #Portable #Vlog #voiceactress #Y子 #グルメキング #ゲーム実況 #ペルソナ3 #ペルソナ3ポータブル #ライブ配信 #伊織順平 #伏見千尋 #友近健二 #声優 #女性声優 #小田桐秀利 #山岸風花 #岳羽ゆかり #所宮元一志 #桐条美鶴 #真田明彦 #能登麻美子 #舞子 #西脇結子
#6新人vtuberペルソナ3ポータブルpersona3 #p3p #p3p初見プレイストーリー実況ネタバレ注意6月中盤山岸風花の能登麻美子ボイスでタルタロスも無双できそう #persona3 #Persona3Portable #portable #vlog #voiceactress #y子 #グルメキング #ゲーム実況 #ペルソナ3 #ペルソナ3ポータブル #ライブ配信 #伊織順平 #伏見千尋 #友近健二 #声優 #女性声優 #小田桐秀利 #山岸風花 #岳羽ゆかり #所宮元一志 #桐条美鶴 #真田明彦 #能登麻美子 #舞子 #西脇結子
Persona 3 remake and Jet Set Radio reboot footage seemingly leaks online - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/persona-3-remake-and-jet-set-radio-reboot-footage-seemingly-leaks-online #SEGASammyHoldings #Persona3Portable #ActionAdventure #SonicFrontiers #JetSetRadioHD #JetSetRadio #StoryRich #persona3 #Atlus #SEGA #RPG
#rpg #sega #atlus #persona3 #StoryRich #jetsetradio #jetsetradiohd #SonicFrontiers #ActionAdventure #Persona3Portable #segasammyholdings
I didn’t get to join one of the official minimmersion events this past weekend, but I did get to spend my time playing Persona 3 Portable and reading on my Kindle ☺️
What better way to learn Japanese than to summon a persona and take down Shadows or read supernatural fiction? 😌
Surprisingly, so far the most difficult thing about P3P is not the Japanese, but planning a strategy to level up my Personas and Social Links with other characters before the game’s deadline…
And that's #Persona3Portable completed. Still holds up as an incredible game and once again, I'm an emotional mess over it. As much as I adore #Persona4 and #Persona5 #Persona3 + #PersonaFES +P3P have always been firm favs of mine. #Gaming #JRPG #Atlus
#atlus #jrpg #Gaming #personafes #persona3 #persona5 #persona4 #Persona3Portable
Okay, I'm not keen on having no character to control,roam and explore. How old is this game? Anyway I'll see how it goes #Persona3Portable
Probably the best Persona I've made so far, Twin Shot absolutely wrecks #Persona3Portable
ATLUS has announced that Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden are now officially available across a multitude of modern platforms. #Persona3Portable https://gamesense.co/game/persona-3-portable/news/discuss/new-persona-3-portable-and-persona-4-golden-ports-are-now-available/
Hallo Igor.. auch schön dich wiederzusehen, du altes Haus! 👋 #Persona3Portable #SteamDeck
Impressions: Persona 3 Portable is better than no Persona 3 at all, I guess
https://www.destructoid.com/persona-3-portable-is-better-than-no-persona-3-i-guess-ps5-switch-xbox/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=persona-3-portable-is-better-than-no-persona-3-i-guess-ps5-switch-xbox #DestructoidOriginals #Persona3Portable #XboxSeriesX|S #Impressions #Switch #News #PS4 #PS5 #PC
#DestructoidOriginals #Persona3Portable #XboxSeriesX #Impressions #Switch #News #PS4 #ps5 #PC
Finally I resumed where I left off after all these years: I finally reached the end of the first dungeon and am currently in May. *heehoo*
#Persona3Portable and #Persona4Golden are now available on #XboxGamePass, #XboxSeriesS|X, #XboxOne, #PC, #PS4, and #NintendoSwitch.
#Persona3Portable #persona4golden #xboxgamepass #XboxSeriesS #xboxone #pc #ps4 #nintendoswitch #videogames #gaming
I’m very pleased to be playing Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden again on current consoles. I own them on all 3, but I’m currently playing P3P on my Switch and P4G on Gamepass. Saving my PlayStation play through until later. 😂 Persona 4 is my favourite out of the two, but Persona 3 is definitely a solid title. #Persona3Portable #persona4golden #xboxgamepass #gamepass #nintendoswitch
#Persona3Portable #persona4golden #xboxgamepass #gamepass #nintendoswitch
Füße hochlegen, Videospiel spielen, guter Feierabend. Happy #Persona3Portable #persona4golden Launch-Abend allerseits
#Persona3Portable #persona4golden
Persona 3 Portable und Persona 4 Golden jetzt im Xbox Game Pass, auf Xbox und PC verfügbar + Launch-Trailer
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #Persona3Portable #Persona4Golden #Repost #XboxGamePass
#xbox #insidexboxde #Persona3Portable #persona4golden #repost #xboxgamepass
Persona 3 Portable und Persona 4 Golden könnt Ihr Euch ab sofort für Xbox herunterladen. Beide Titel sind zudem im Xbox Game Pass verfügbar.
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #Persona3Portable #Persona4Golden #Repost #XboxGamePass
#xbox #insidexboxde #Persona3Portable #persona4golden #repost #xboxgamepass
Heute erscheinen #Persona3Portable und #Persona4Golden für moderne Plattformen. Wer mit Persona 5 eingestiegen ist, wird sich freuen. Aber wollt ihr wirklich alte Persona-Games zocken? Das erörtert mit euch Matthias: https://jpgames.de/2023/01/wollt-ihr-wirklich-alte-persona-games-spielen/
#persona4golden #Persona3Portable
#Persona3Portable remaster release day, hype!
#NowPlaying Persona 3 - Burn My Dread -reincarnation-