Gibt es hier Menschen die sich für persönliches #Wissensmanagement (PKM) interessieren?
#PKM #PersonalKnowledgeManagement
#PersonalKnowledgeManagement #pkm #Wissensmanagement
I would really like to improve on my #PKM #PersonalKnowledgeManagement — especially in the realm of connecting notes and surfacing related topics. I'd also like to have a #TrustedSystem because I feel like I'm all over the place with taking notes and capturing links and organizing information in recent years.
#pkm #PersonalKnowledgeManagement #trustedsystem
One of the biggest challenges of teaching #PersonalKnowledgeManagement is convincing people to annotate their notes.
Taking notes on your notes feels like a huge burden, but it's not. First, you're not annotating every note you take. Second, annotations make your important notes increasingly valuable. It makes them more discoverable and memorable. It also makes them easier to recycle through multiple projects.
I just heard back from a former student thanking me for introducing them to #PersonalKnowledgeManagement. They have set up a system they say has been a complete game-changer.
Major win!
It's essential to me to be able to add entries to my #PersonalKnowledgeManagement system on the go, from my phone. Switching to a new #Roam graph made this speedy enough for a while. Now it has again become sluggish to do a quick add.
How is the #Tana or #Logseq experience in that front?
#logseq #tana #roam #PersonalKnowledgeManagement
And this is why I’m making personal knowledge management an increasingly important part of every class I teach.
I fell in love with the #Zettlekasten method after reading How to Take Smart Notes by Sönke Ahrens.
It's approach to writing and learning would have been a game changer in college and grad school.
I'm no longer doing any academic or formal writing, Zettlekasten is too time consuming for me to use daily. But its concepts have had a positive impact on my approach to learning.
#zettlekasten #PersonalKnowledgeManagement #smartnotes #pkm
I’m lesbian and trans. I talk about whatever random #tech project I’m working on, random #horny stuff, and #pkm (#PersonalKnowledgeManagement).
#Tech #horny #pkm #PersonalKnowledgeManagement
Puh, was habe ich Mastodon in den letzten Wochen wieder vernachlässigt. Sorry for that.
Daher melde ich mich mit meiner #Monatsnitiz zum Juni 2022 zurück. Darin berichte ich vornehmlich über meine Gedanken und Aktivitäten rund ums Thema #DigitaleNotizen und #PKM, #PersonalKnowledgeManagement.
Viel Spaß beim Lesen:
#Monatsnitiz #DigitaleNotizen #pkm #PersonalKnowledgeManagement
If you're trying out #obsidianmd for the first time (or really any #pkm ), I wrote a little quick start guide:
lmk what you think!
#obsidianmd #pkm #knowledgemanagement #PersonalKnowledgeManagement
I’m interested in finding an instance focused on #pkm / #PersonalKnowledgeManagement tools/techniques/whatever. Anyone know of any?
#pkm #PersonalKnowledgeManagement