FOR CAT OWNERS ONLY: Please select the number of cats who own you in the below poll.
I am owned by...
#pleaseboost #catpoll #polls #poll #question #felinefriday #feline #kitty #kitties #mastocats #catsofmastodon #cats #cat #catscatscats #catlovers #ailurophile #pets #petowners #animallover #animals #ownedbycats #mastodon #community #mastodoncommunity
#MastodonCommunity #Community #Mastodon #ownedbycats #Animals #animallover #PetOwners #pets #ailurophile #catlovers #CatsCatsCats #Cat #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #kitties #Kitty #Feline #FelineFriday #question #Poll #polls #catpoll #pleaseboost
Does anyone else have cats who like to hop up on their home entertainment units and plop their furry rears RIGHT in the middle of the TV screen WHILE the TV is on so that they're 100% impossible to see around, or, more to the point, impossible to ignore?!🤣
#catcomedy #comedyoferrors #comedy #humor #mastocats #catsofmastodon #cats #cat #catlovers #ailurophile #pets #petsofmastodon #petowners #animallover #animals #animal #mastodon #community #mastodoncommunity
#MastodonCommunity #Community #Mastodon #animal #Animals #animallover #PetOwners #petsofmastodon #pets #ailurophile #catlovers #Cat #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #Humor #comedy #comedyoferrors #catcomedy
Does anyone else have cats who like to hop up on their entertainment units and plop their furry rears RIGHT in the middle of the TV screen so that they're 100% impossible to see around, or, more to the point, impossible to ignore?!🤣
#catcomedy #comedyoferrors #comedy #humor #mastocats #catsofmastodon #cats #cat #catlovers #ailurophile #pets #petsofmastodon #petowners #animallover #animals #animal #mastodon #community #mastodoncommunity
#MastodonCommunity #Community #Mastodon #animal #Animals #animallover #PetOwners #petsofmastodon #pets #ailurophile #catlovers #Cat #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #Humor #comedy #comedyoferrors #catcomedy
Did you know that every day of the week is "Cat Appreciation Day" on Mastodon?🤣
#ToebeanTuesday / #ToebeansTuesday
#ThursdayFursday / #Fursday
#SunspotSunday (I made up the last one but it's a very catlike behavior, so how about we make it a thing?!🤣)
#pleaseboost #mastocats #catsofmastodon #cats #cat #catlovers #ailurophile #pets #petsofmastodon #petowners #animallover #animals #animal #mastodon #community #mastodoncommunity
#pleaseboost #thursdayfursday #fursday #MastodonCommunity #Community #Mastodon #animal #Animals #animallover #PetOwners #petsofmastodon #pets #ailurophile #catlovers #Cat #Cats #MastoCats #CatsOfMastodon #sunspotsunday #Caturday #FelineFriday #whiskerswednesday #toebeanstuesday #toebeantuesday #MeowMonday
Which of the below emojis do you most identify with and why?
#pleaseboost #polls #poll #question #emoji #psychology #identity #human #nature #humannature #spiritanimal #animals #animal #wildanimals #penguins #penguin #linux #tux #lions #lion #bigcats #cats #cat #mastocats #catsofmastodon #bears #bear #elephants #elephant #mastodon #community #mastodoncommunity #pets #petowners #personality #science #personalityscience
#question #personalityscience #Science #personality #PetOwners #pets #MastodonCommunity #Community #Mastodon #elephant #elephants #bear #bears #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #Cat #Cats #bigcats #Lion #lions #tux #Linux #penguin #penguins #wildanimals #animal #Animals #spiritanimal #humannature #Nature #human #identity #psychology #emoji #Poll #polls #pleaseboost
All of these polls are currently pinned to my profile to make them easier to find. I may reveal my own "pet theory" (pun intended 😉) about correlations between personality traits & pet ownership but only AFTER these polls close, which is in another 2 days. Follow me for related discussion.
#polls #poll #introvertsofmastodon #extrovertsofmastodon #ambivertsofmastodon #introvert #extrovert #ambivert #dogs #cats #mastodogs #mastocats #pets #petowners #personality #science #personalityscience #mbti
#mbti #personalityscience #Science #personality #PetOwners #pets #MastoCats #mastodogs #Cats #Dogs #ambivert #extrovert #introvert #ambivertsofmastodon #extrovertsofmastodon #introvertsofmastodon #Poll #polls
Just popped on here after 4 days of not being here and OMG, the introverted pet owner poll now has 200 respondents!!! Contrast that with the extroverted and ambiverted pet owner polls, which only have 12 and 18 total poll-takers, respectively. Why is this not surprising?!🤣
#humor #funny #polls #poll #introvertsofmastodon #extrovertsofmastodon #ambivertsofmastodon #introvert #extrovert #ambivert #dogs #cats #mastodogs #mastocats #pets #petowners #personality #science #personalityscience #mbti
#mbti #personalityscience #Science #personality #PetOwners #pets #MastoCats #mastodogs #Cats #Dogs #ambivert #extrovert #introvert #ambivertsofmastodon #extrovertsofmastodon #introvertsofmastodon #Poll #polls #Funny #Humor
Just popped on here after 4 days of not being here and OMG, the introverted pet owner poll now has 200 respondents!!! Contrast that with the extroverted and ambiverted pet owner polls, which have 12 and 18 total poll-takers, respectively. Why is this not surprising?!🤣
#humor #funny #polls #poll #introvertsofmastodon #extrovertsofmastodon #ambivertsofmastodon #introvert #extrovert #ambivert #dogs #cats #mastodogs #mastocats #pets #petowners #personality #science #personalityscience #mbti
#mbti #personalityscience #Science #personality #PetOwners #pets #MastoCats #mastodogs #Cats #Dogs #ambivert #extrovert #introvert #ambivertsofmastodon #extrovertsofmastodon #introvertsofmastodon #Poll #polls #Funny #Humor
One difference with the current crop of polls is semantics, i.e., pet lovers vs. pet owners; pet ownership is a serious commitment and so that probably makes for a better test of my "pet" theories, pun intended.😉 #polls #poll #pets #petowners #personality #science #personalityscience
#personalityscience #Science #personality #PetOwners #pets #Poll #polls
One difference is semantics with the current crop of polls because pet ownership is a commitment and so that probably makes for a better test of my "pet" theories, pun intended.😉 #polls #poll #pets #petowners
OK, that's it for the pet + personality trait cluster polls for a while.🤣 It was easiest to roll them all out at once. If it was possible to include more than 4 choices per poll, I would've munged everything into a single poll. The same goes for the earlier polls. However, in order to test for specific trait clusters, I had to make separate polls for each personality type.
#polls #poll #pets #petowners #cats #dogs #mastocats #mastodogs #catsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #mbti #personality #science
#Science #personality #mbti #dogsofmastodon #CatsOfMastodon #mastodogs #MastoCats #Dogs #Cats #PetOwners #pets #Poll #polls
OK, that's it for the pet-related polls for a while.🤣 It was just easier to roll them all out at once. If it was possible to include more than 4 choices per poll, I would've munged everything into a single poll.😆 Same goes for the earlier polls. However, in order to test for specific trait clusters, I had to make separate polls for each separate personality type, etc.
#polls #poll #pets #petowners #cats #dogs #mastocats #mastodogs #catsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #mbti #personality #science
#Science #personality #mbti #dogsofmastodon #CatsOfMastodon #mastodogs #MastoCats #Dogs #Cats #PetOwners #pets #Poll #polls
The global nonprofit IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) does some fantastic work:
#pleaseboost #animals #animallovers #pets #petowners #catsofmastodon #mastocats #cats #dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #dogs #bigcats #whales #sharks #dolphins #elephants #koalas #owls #orangutan #greatapes #anteaters #zoology #animalrescue #animalrehab #conservation #globalconservation #oceanconservation #animalconservation #habitatconservation #environmentalism #ifaw #nonprofit #ngo
#ngo #NonProfit #ifaw #environmentalism #habitatconservation #animalconservation #oceanconservation #globalconservation #Conservation #animalrehab #animalrescue #zoology #anteaters #greatapes #orangutan #owls #koalas #elephants #dolphins #sharks #whales #bigcats #Dogs #mastodogs #dogsofmastodon #Cats #MastoCats #CatsOfMastodon #PetOwners #pets #animallovers #Animals #pleaseboost