[1987] The Late Clive James - Clive James chats to Peter Cook and Barry Humphries.
#OldBritishTelly #CliveJames #PeterCook #barryhumphries
[1973] The Dick Cavett Show - With Robert Shaw, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.
#OldBritishTelly #FreeForAllFriday #RobertShaw #PeterCook #DudleyMoore
#OldBritishTelly #FreeForAllFriday #RobertShaw #PeterCook #DudleyMoore
[1974] Good Afternoon Special - Mavis Nicholson introduces a special edition of the 1970s daytime chat show Good Afternoon. This edition contains interviews between Nicholson and comedy greats Morecambe and Wise, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, and Kenneth Williams.
#OldBritishTelly #MavisNicholson #EricMorecambe #ErnieWise #PeterCook #DudleyMoore #kennethWilliams
#OldBritishTelly #MavisNicholson #EricMorecambe #ErnieWise #PeterCook #DudleyMoore #KennethWilliams
#Architecture #NEOM #TheLine #SaudiArabia #CoopHimmelblau #AdjayeAssociates #CHAP #PeiCobbFreedAndPartners #TomWiscombe #Morphosis #PeterCook
#PeterCook #morphosis #tomwiscombe #peicobbfreedandpartners #Chap #adjayeassociates #coophimmelblau #saudiarabia #TheLine #neom #architecture
[1970] Holiday Startime - Peter Cook monologue followed by a spoof of The Big Match, with Jimmy Hill.
#OldBritishTelly #PeterCook #jimmyhill
[1976] So It Goes - Peter Cook and Clive James in conversation as well as a Clive monologue.
#OldBritishTelly #PeterCook #CliveJames
[1970] Holiday Startime Special - The centrepiece of LWT’s Boxing Day schedule, this cornucopia of music and comedy, hosted by Maggie Fitzgibbon, included talents as diverse as Ted Ray, Les Dawson, Peter Cook, Acker Bilk, The Bee Gees, and Vincent Price. Hattie Jacques cameos too.
The show was recorded in black-and-white because of the ITV colour strike.
#OldBritishTelly #MaggieFitzgibbon #LesDawson #PeterCook #AckerBilj #TheBeeGees #HattieJacques #VincentPrice
#OldBritishTelly #maggiefitzgibbon #LesDawson #PeterCook #ackerbilj #TheBeeGees #hattiejacques #VincentPrice
[1990] A Life in Pieces - Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling gives his rambling opinions on the Twelve Days of Christmas, in discussion with Ludovic Kennedy. Starring Peter Cook.
[1972] Thirty-Minute Theatre - “Mill Hill”, the wife of a well to do dentist is on the verge of having an affair with Peter Trilby, also a dentist. John Mortimer play starring Geraldine McEwan, Peter Cook and Clive Revill.
#OldBritishTelly #GeraldineMcEwan #PeterCook #JohnMortimer
[1965] A Spot of the Usual Trouble - Peter Cook and Dudley Moore sketch. Pete tells of the time Greta Garbo scaled his drainpipe and tried to get into his bedroom via the window but Pete rejected her advances. Then Dud tells Pete about catching Jane Russell in his bed four nights ago.
#OldBritishTelly #PeterCook #DudleyMoore
Fellow writers meet at a party. One says, "I'm writing a book." The other replies, "Neither am I!"
- a #writing #joke courtesy of the great #PeterCook 😃
@speckledband #PeterCook is delightful! Got the Tarzan joke in there and all.
Best of luck with it!
#PeterCook #Song #songs #newmusic #AmListening
Remembering Peter Cook, born 17 November 1937.
#derekandclive #petercook #dudleymoore #OnThisDayInMusic #MastoArt #FediArt
#fediart #MastoArt #onthisdayinmusic #dudleymoore #PeterCook #derekandclive
@speckledband Folks, I think I just became your first subscriber on YouTube music - looking forward! Congratulations! #FeelingSpecial
#FeelingSpecial #PeterCook #PecheALaFrog #AuditioningForTarzan
[1964] One Leg Too Few - Peter Cook & Dudley Moore sketch from “Beyond the Fringe” about a one-legged man auditioning for the part of Tarzan.
#OldBritishTelly #PeterCook #DudleyMoore
[1966] Superthunderstingcar - A sketch named Superthunderstingcar (a parody of Thunderbirds and other Sylvia and Gerry Anderson puppet shows) from British sitcom “Not only… but also” starring Dudley Moore and Peter Cook.
#OldBritishTelly #PeterCook #DudleyMoore
[1960] Beyond the Fringe - Comedy stage revue written and performed by Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Alan Bennett, and Jonathan Miller. It played in London’s West End and then on New York’s Broadway in the early 1960s, and is widely regarded as seminal to the rise of satire in 1960s Britain.
#OldBritishTelly #PeterCook #DudleyMoore #AlanBennet #JonathanMiller
#OldBritishTelly #PeterCook #DudleyMoore #AlanBennet #JonathanMiller
[1988] Whose Line Is It Anyway? - Show in which actors and comedians improvise sketches in various "theatre-sports"-type games, based on audience suggestions. Hosted by Clive Anderson this episode features John Sessions, Peter Cook, Stephen Fry and Josie Lawrence.
#OldBritishTelly #StephenFry #PeterCook #JosieLawrence #JohnSessions
#OldBritishTelly #StephenFry #PeterCook #JosieLawrence #JohnSessions
[1976] So It Goes - Music show presented by Tony Wilson. Featuring, amongst others, Peter Cook introducing the ‘Riff of the Month’ competition, the Sex Pistols performing ’Anarchy in the U.K. and Clive James (who described Johnny Rotten as “a foul-mouthed ball of acne”).
#OldBritishTelly #TonyWilson #PeterCook #CliveJames