@Skembear He has his own spin on the meaning of Left and Right. He says Nazis hated Christians for example, so in that sense they were radical rather than conservative. #left #right #ideology #peterhitchens #Nazi #socialist
#left #right #ideology #PeterHitchens #nazi #socialist
#PeterHitchens in 2020 had nothing better to do than accuse a mere parish #clergy of lying about war crimes in #Syria. I thought it amusing that he would tell me to "do your own #research" when his own #newspaper's foreign desk could have told him he was wrong. My Tweet was deleted because I was sick of the pile on. A fanboy phoned the #manse to complain; the family member who took the call had never heard of #Hitchens. Funnily enough, I've never heard of him since I stopped using #Twitter!/...
#twitter #hitchens #manse #newspaper #research #syria #clergy #PeterHitchens
Tags by us:
> The report revealed that five secretive government units, including #CounterDisinformationUnit based in the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and Cabinet Office’s #RapidResponseUnit, have been surveilling and #censoring scores of high-profile individuals who were critical of government policies. #MailOnSunday journalist #PeterHitchens, Conservative MP #DavidDavis, and members of staff of Big Brother Watch were all targeted by this shady unit.
#counterdisinformationunit #rapidresponseunit #censoring #mailonsunday #PeterHitchens #daviddavis
BREAKING: For its in-depth discussion of #UkraineWar,
University of Buckingham
chooses Mail on Sunday blogger who knows little about #UkraineWar
#UkraineWar #academicfail #ukraine #PeterHitchens
Some facts for #jacobreesmogg and #PeterHitchens #bbcqt https://fullfact.org/immigration/refugees-first-safe-country/ when they say that the refugee must stay in the first country
#bbcqt #PeterHitchens #jacobreesmogg
What’s going on? I’ve found myself agreeing with #PeterHitchens on several points
"From Antwerp’s great cathedral of railways [...] one could have travelled, in carriages of polished wood, brass fittings and deep cushions, to any number of ancient, unspoiled cities, in which patient, cautious statesmen made their careful plans in high-ceilinged offices looking out on to broad boulevards traversed by trams, offices so quiet that you could hear the rustle of the ashes shifting in their open fires.
And they planned war."
This column by #PeterHitchens is absolutely correct:
The body of #ElizabethII should be brought back to London for her funeral by rail, not by air.
Via #PEGobry
#PEGobry #elizabethii #PeterHitchens
"Whichever side you take in politics (and hers was in little doubt) you know that your own party will make mistakes and get above itself. It needs a fierce, well-informed opponent, anxious to seize power from it, to keep it honest and to stop it getting too powerful. In a proportional representation (PR) system, all these safeguards vanish. All its bargains are made in secret after the polls close, rather than in the open, before the voting starts."
For 20 years, the billionaire press told us "we can easily adapt to a warmer world".
Try telling that to people in Germany, Belgium and the western seaboard of North America. And this is just one degree of heating.
The media did this, as surely as the fossil fuel companies. Let's not forget those who told us there was little to worry about. People with massive media platforms, who helped push us towards catastrophe.
- Matt Ridley
- Bjorn Lomborg
- Nigel Lawson
- Christopher Booker
- David Rose
- Peter Hitchens ....The roll of dishonour is long and grim
And, of course, their editors and proprietors. And the so-called thinktanks shilling for the fossil fuel companies. Doubtless they all believed they were being ever so clever. But if we recall their names at all, we'll remember them as traitors to humanity...
#GeorgeMonbiot #GlobalWarming #Denial #Disinformation #MattRidley #BjornLomborg #NigelLawson #ChritopherBooker #DavidRose #PeterHitchens #KochBrothers #AtlasNetwork
#georgemonbiot #globalwarming #denial #disinformation #MattRidley #BjornLomborg #NigelLawson #ChritopherBooker #DavidRose #PeterHitchens #kochbrothers #AtlasNetwork
#PeterHitchens in #Xinjiang among the #Uighurs in 2009.
Special Investigation: PETER HITCHENS - Blood and fear on Happiness Street as China threatens to obliterate another ancient culture | Daily Mail Online
#michaelbrendandougherty #uighurs #xinjiang #PeterHitchens