Putin just labelled the out of the as a "".

An Oof… to some.

One of our favourite books from the decade has to be '' (2016) by the late . It described how the obsession with was not only wrecking havok on 's and globally but also set to destroy our .

We talked about it extensively, but the only took a breather during .

#monetarySystem #usa #printingPress #GrowingForBroke #PeterNorth #gdpgrowth #australia #environment #economy #growthObsession #covid #bitcoinfixesthis #moneyPrinterGoDrr #putin

Last updated 3 years ago

No, our people are not better than immigrants, this is simply about our total footprint. As a desert land Australia is not suited to a high population also.

We recommend the book, Growing For Broke by the late .

If we didn't allow the bombing of people's around the globe by NATO we would not be producing the extreme number of refugees also.

We are not supportive of 's interventions abroad for resources.

#PeterNorth #australia #colonialist

Last updated 4 years ago

Hi Shans,

If you live in , Growing For Broke (2015?) by the late Peter North is a must-read.

We speak in the language of . The way we can achieve this is by "Getting ", which may involve punching upwards at those perpetrating the .

#australia #convivialSufficiency #NEOED #statusquo #GrowingForBroke #PeterNorth #growthism

Last updated 4 years ago

, rather.

For those in , a book we cannot recommend highly enough is by the late . There is one chapter that goes through the various growth ideologies, and howthey are spread by , and with vested interests.

A must read.

#davidattenborough #australia #GrowingForBroke #PeterNorth #corporatemedia #thinktanks #mustreads

Last updated 4 years ago