You find me a child that truly knows the difference between right and wrong and I’ll show you a man who can’t remember why it mattered in the first place.
spoken by Captain Hook played by #JudeLaw (1972)
in #PeterPanAndWendy (2023) by #Disney
Writers: #DavidLowery #TobyHalbrooks #JMBarrie
at about 1h05m of 1h43m
#jmbarrie #tobyhalbrooks #davidlowery #disney #PeterPanAndWendy #judelaw
This is what it looks like when you grow up wrong
spoken by Wendy Darling played by #EverAnderson (2007)
in #PeterPanAndWendy 2023 by #Disney
Writers: #DavidLowery #TobyHalbrooks #JMBarrie
at about 1h05m of 1h43m
#growupright #growupwrong #jmbarrie #tobyhalbrooks #davidlowery #disney #PeterPanAndWendy #everanderson
“What did she say?”
“What did he say?”
“What did she say?”
“What did he say?”
“What did she say?”
(Me watching Peter Pan and Wendy on Disney+ tonight.)
#whatdidshesay #Disney #PeterPanAndWendy
Just finished watching #PeterPanAndWendy with the family and we all enjoyed it! The story line kept true to the original movie and book and added some nice elements that made for an entertaining afternoon family movie!
TV TONIGHT (April 28)
#Citadel #PeterPanAndWendy #Clock #GrandCrew #LifeAfterLockup #CouplesTherapy #FrogAndToad #WarnerBros100Years #KingOfCollectibles #WaveMakers #NFLDraft #SmackDown #PowerGhost #WhoseLine #GoldRush #PutARingOnIt #NBA #MLB #NHL
#nhl #mlb #nba #putaringonit #goldrush #WhoseLine #powerghost #smackdown #NFLDraft #wavemakers #kingofcollectibles #warnerbros100years #FrogandToad #couplestherapy #lifeafterlockup #grandcrew #clock #PeterPanAndWendy #citadel
I'm excited to watch #peterpanandwendy, but not because I think it'll be a particularly good movie. The reason I'm going to watch it is because part of it was filmed at my house. They used my living room for a classroom for the kids between filming and everything. I was technically under NDA, but now that it's out, I can spill everything I know about the film from my extensive inside knowledge: There's a horse at some point. You're welcome.
#movies #disneyplus #disney #peterpan #PeterPanAndWendy
New from Solzy at the Movies: Peter Pan & Wendy Elevates Heroines In Live-Action Reimagining
#PeterPanAndWendy #PeterPan #film #movies #DisneyPlus #Disney #Streaming
#Streaming #Disney #disneyplus #Movies #Film #peterpan #PeterPanAndWendy
#Newfoundland becomes #Neverland: #PeterPanAndWendy premieres in #StJohns and #Bonavista
#bonavista #stjohns #PeterPanAndWendy #neverland #newfoundland
If you like #reaction channels. Could you please check out TheJSpot93.
#peterpanandwendy #theflash #BlackLivesMatter #lgbtq Show him some support. Let's get that subscriber count up. A new channel.
#lgbtq #blacklivesmatter #theflash #PeterPanAndWendy #reaction
The antisjw Karens are making up stuff about the film even before it has been released. Misusing the word woke.
Watch the trailer for David Lowery’s Peter Pan & Wendy
#PeterPanandWendy #PeterPan #Tinkerbell #DavidLowery #Disney #liveaction #JudeLaw #CaptainHook
#PeterPanAndWendy #peterpan #tinkerbell #davidlowery #disney #liveaction #judelaw #captainhook
Découvrez la nouvelle affiche de #PeterPanandWendy , qui sortira dans deux mois sur #DisneyPlus. ✨🧚🏾⚔️