molosovsky · @molosovsky
283 followers · 2465 posts · Server

Hab begonnen mit Vorrat an »«-DVDs (2018) zu besorgen, als Geschenk für Freundinnen und Freunde. Solange die UK-DVD unter 12 € kostet, werd ich künftig regelmäßig bestellen.

Der Film findet immer noch nicht statt. Nicht mal Geldgeber Amazon Studios ist fähig oder willens, den Film bei Amazon Prime in Deutschland anzubieten. Eine Schande.


Last updated 1 year ago

molosovsky · @molosovsky
282 followers · 2395 posts · Server

Meiner Gastin (2018) von Mike Leigh vorgeführt. Definitiv einer meiner Lebensfilme. Allein schon wie gleich zu Beginn der Unterschied ›einfacher Soldat‹ von Waterloo und Militär-Aristos inszeniert wird: der eine darf nach der Schlacht zu Fuß quer durch Europa zu Fuß heimlatschen; Kriegs-CEO Wellington bekommt vom House of Lords ne Bonuszahlung von 250 Tsd £ für herrausragende. Dienste. Dankbarkeit der Nation uns so.


Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1844 followers · 3902 posts · Server

Today in Labor History August 16, 1819: Police attacked unemployed workers demonstrating in St. Peter's Field, Manchester, England. When the cavalry charged, at least 18 people died and over 600 were injured. The event became know as the Peterloo Massacre, named for the Battle of Waterloo, where many of the massacre victims had fought just four years earlier. Following the Napoleonic Wars there was an acute economic slump, terrible unemployment and crop failures, all worsened by the Corn Laws, which kept bread prices high. Only 11% of adult males had the vote. Radical reformers tried to mobilize the masses to force the government to back down. The movement was particularly strong in the north-west, where the Manchester Patriotic Union organized the mass rally for Peter’s Field. As soon as the meeting began, local magistrates tried to arrest working class radical, Henry Hunt, and several others. Hunt inspired the Chartist movement, which came shortly after Peterloo.

John Lees, who later died from wounds he received at the massacre, had been present at the Battle of Waterloo. Before his death, he said that he had never been in such danger as at Peterloo: "At Waterloo there was man to man but there it was downright murder." In the wake of the massacre, the government passed the Six Acts, to suppress any further attempts at radical reform. The event also led indirectly to the founding of the Manchester Guardian newspaper.

Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote about the massacre in his poem, “The Masque of Anarchy.” The authorities censored it until 1832, ten years after his death. Mike Leigh’s 2018 film Peterloo is an excellent portrayal of the massacre, and the events leading up to it. Many writers have written novels about Peterloo, including the relatively recent “Song of Peterloo,” by Carolyn O'Brien, and “All the People,” Jeff Kaye. However, perhaps the most important is Isabella Banks's 1876 novel, “The Manchester Man,” since she was there when it happened and included testimonies from people who were involved.


#workingclass #LaborHistory #Peterloo #waterloo #unemployed #poverty #freespeech #massacre #anarchism #poetry #Literature #books #Poet #author #writer #fiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Don Trueten :anarchiststar: · @thomas
809 followers · 7320 posts · Server

The Masque of Anarchy - Percy Bysshe Shelley

Heute vor 201 Jahren ertrank der britische Dichter und Atheist Percy Bysshe Shelley. Der mit Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, Tochter der Frauenrechtlerin Mary Wollstonecraft und des Philosophen William Godwin und spätere Autorin des bekannten Romans verheiratete hatte stets ein kritisches Auge auf die sozio-ökonomischen Umstände des frühindustriellen und die damit verbundenen politischen Unruhen: 1819 etwa kam es bei einem Aufstand von Arbeitern der baumwollverarbeitenden Industrie in Manchester zu einer blutigen der , die als -Massaker für Aufsehen sorgte. Shelley verfasste daraufhin in direkter Bezugnahme auf den Vorfall das politisch radikale Gedicht The Masque of Anarchy. A Poem. Der erst zehn Jahre nach seinem Tode veröffentlichte Text konnte zu seinen Lebzeiten auf Grund der politischen Lage zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht erscheinen. Shelley beeinflußte nicht nur den später entstandenen sondern über Walter auch die kritische Therorie.

Zu meiner korrigierten Übersetzung:

#Frankenstein #Shelley #england #niederwerfung #protestbewegung #Peterloo #marxismus #benjamin

Last updated 1 year ago

SchönerDenken · @schoenerdenken
151 followers · 196 posts · Server

Das Massaker, über das die Briten nicht reden wollen: 1819.

80.000 unbewaffnete Männer, Frauen und Kinder protestieren gegen hohe Brotpreise. 15 sterben unter den Säbelhieben der Soldaten, darunter ein Baby, 600 werden verletzt.

Wir reden über Mike Leighs Film - Podcast feat. @molosovsky :

#manchester #Demokratiegeschichte #filmpodcast #Kino #england #mikeleigh #cinema #Movies #filmastodon #filmreview #filmfan #Film #Peterloo

Last updated 2 years ago

molosovsky · @molosovsky
203 followers · 1146 posts · Server

Der »« (2018) von gehört zu meinen Allzeit-Favoriten. Schade, daß dieses in jeglicher Hinsicht meisterhafte Werk im deutschsprachigem Raum nicht stattfindet: keine Synchro, keine Ausstrahlung, keine Home-Media-Auswertung, obwohl seitdem bei studiocanal/Arthaus ne neue Mike-Leigh-Box rausgekommen ist.

Freue mich sehr, daß Thomas von @schoenerdenken mit mir Begeisterung für »Peterloo« teilt. - -Geschichte.

#film #Peterloo #mikeleigh #demokratie #kapitalismus

Last updated 2 years ago

SchönerDenken · @schoenerdenken
151 followers · 196 posts · Server

Jubiläum! Wir feiern unsere Folge 1200!
Mit einem besonderen Film: .
Und einem besonderen Gast: @molosovsky.
Fast zweieinhalb Stunden Diskussion und Information über Mike Leighs Meisterwerk.

#manchester #Demokratiegeschichte #filmpodcast #Kino #england #mikeleigh #cinema #Movies #filmastodon #filmreview #filmfan #Film #Peterloo

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
819 followers · 1422 posts · Server

Today in Labor History February 23, 1829: The British authorities exposed the Cato Street Conspiracy and arrested all the conspirators. Those involved had planned to murder all the British cabinet ministers and the Prime Minister and overthrow the government. The authorities executed 5 conspirators and exiled 5 others to Australia. No one knows how many people were truly involved in the conspiracy. However, numerous trade unions, Irish Republicans and shoemakers were supposedly ready to support it. They were angry about the Peterloo Massacre and government repression, like the Six Acts that were enacted to suppress any further radical organizing. They were also angry about the ongoing privation caused by the depression. The Peterloo Massacre occurred 10 years prior, when the cavalry massacred at least 19 workers and veterans of the Battle of Waterloo while they were demonstrating for the vote.

Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote about the massacre in his poem, “The Masque of Anarchy.” The authorities censored it until 1832, ten years after his death. Mike Leigh’s 2018 film Peterloo is an excellent portrayal of the massacre, and the events leading up to it. Many writers have written novels about Peterloo, including the relatively recent “Song of Peterloo,” by Carolyn O’Brien, and “All the People,” Jeff Kaye. However, perhaps the most important is Isabella Banks‘s 1876 novel, “The Manchester Man,” since she was there when it happened and included testimonies from people who were involved.


#workingclass #LaborHistory #catostreetconspiracy #Peterloo #prison #union #deportation #massacre #novel #poem #poetry #anarchism

Last updated 2 years ago

The Victorian Commons · @VictorianCommons
198 followers · 44 posts · Server

The former prime minister Lord Liverpool died 1828. He was prime minister at the time of the Peterloo massacre in 1819. This blog from our editor Philip Salmon looks at that event: thehistoryofparliament.wordpre

#OnThisDay #Peterloo #histodons #19thcentury

Last updated 2 years ago

Timepix · @timepix
94 followers · 141 posts · Server

So in 1967 you commissioned the fantastic by to celebrate your centenary. Sat here in thinking that the slave trade and fate of Edward statue might be inspiration for another piece?

#tuc #Peterloo #malcolmarnold #bristol #Colston #music #BristolUniversity

Last updated 2 years ago

Timepix · @timepix
94 followers · 141 posts · Server

looking splendid tonight as it fills up for Arnold's and symphony 2. Symphony apparently in cracking form so very happy to be here

#bristol #VictoriaRooms #Peterloo #Rachmaninoff #BristolUniversity #orchestra #bums

Last updated 2 years ago

Ms McGee · @FilmbuffMcgee
13 followers · 30 posts · Server

Nobody rings me all week then in the middle of a film, 3 people ring. Typical. Back to


Last updated 2 years ago

Ms McGee · @FilmbuffMcgee
12 followers · 25 posts · Server

Nothing ever changes. Someone throws a potato and they act like a bomb was thrown. Nothing different from the viciois shove someone apparently was subjected to last year when it was barely a tap from an accidental brushing as they walked passed each other.


Last updated 2 years ago

Ms McGee · @FilmbuffMcgee
12 followers · 25 posts · Server

"they won't import any from France or America or anywhere so they force prices up and us poor souls end up paying five times more for a loaf of bread"
*Meaningful look to the side like I'm off the office*


Last updated 2 years ago

Ms McGee · @FilmbuffMcgee
12 followers · 25 posts · Server

Finally getting around to watching . I only learnt about this in my first year of uni. It was probably only covered in gcse history and I didn't do history for Gcse.


Last updated 2 years ago

#WikiParty · @michaelgraaf
147 followers · 7376 posts · Server

RT @DEAcampaign
Jeremy Corbyn @jeremycorbyn at Massacre Commemoration: Assange is guilty of telling the truth. Stand By Julian Assange and all other truthtellers around the world. @StellaMoris1

#Peterloo #freeassange

Last updated 2 years ago