"Por que esses preços poderiam estar muito mais baixos? Por que a Petrobrás é muito eficiente, portanto é capaz do produzir e lucrar, mesmo com um custo de venda mais baixo"
Felipe Coutinho, presidente da Associação dos Engenheiros da Petrobrás.
Assista a "Apesar da retórica do Governo, preço do diesel está acima do PPI" no YouTube https://youtu.be/hZvUtlDtt8g
No Amazonas e Bahia, onde as refinarias foram privatizadas por #Bolsonaro, o preço a gasolina, diesel e gás vão continuar caros.
#Lula, vamos reestatizar a #Petrobrás?
Ibovespa sobe 1,47% na sexta e acumula alta de mais de 2% em abril
#WallStreet #Petrobras #Pce #Ibovespa #Ibge #IbcBr #EstadosUnidos #Desemprego #Negócios #ForbesMoney
#wallstreet #Petrobras #pce #ibovespa #ibge #ibcbr #estadosunidos #desemprego #negocios #forbesmoney
Petrobras reduz em 9,9% preço do diesel antes de mudança tributária
#Petróleo #Petrobras #Diesel #Commodities #Brasil #Negócios #Manchete #ForbesMoney
#petroleo #Petrobras #diesel #Commodities #brasil #negocios #manchete #forbesmoney
Petrobras aprova novo conselho
Confira! 👇
#Petrobras #Lula #ConselhoDeAdministração #ForbesMoney #Carreira
#Petrobras #lula #conselhodeadministracao #forbesmoney #carreira
Pietro Mendes é eleito como presidente do conselho da Petrobras
#PresidenteDoConselhoPetrobras #PietroMendes #Petrobras #AcionistasPetrobras #ForbesMoney
#presidentedoconselhopetrobras #pietromendes #Petrobras #acionistaspetrobras #forbesmoney
Ibovespa cai 0,50% pressionado por preço do minério de ferro; Vale cai 3,62%
#WallStreet #Vale #TaxaSelic #Petrobras #LuizInácioLulaDaSilva #Ibovespa #BoletimFocus #Negócios #ForbesMoney
#wallstreet #vale #taxaselic #Petrobras #LuizInacioLuladaSilva #ibovespa #boletimfocus #negocios #forbesmoney
Petróleo e arcabouço fiscal derrubam Ibovespa
Confira! 👇
#Varejo #Petróleo #Petrobras #Ibovespa #FernandoHaddad #Arcabouço #Negócios #ForbesMoney
#varejo #petroleo #Petrobras #ibovespa #fernandohaddad #arcabouco #negocios #forbesmoney
Petrobras convoca assembleia e dá passo importante para renovar conselho
#Petrobras #conselhodeadministracao #negocios #forbesmoney
Reino Unido confisca mais de US$8 milhões de ex-funcionário da Petrobras
#Petrobras #LavaJato #EscritórioDeFraudesGravesDoReinoUnido #ForbesMoney
#Petrobras #lavajato #escritoriodefraudesgravesdoreinounido #forbesmoney
Petrobras buscará projetos de grande porte de energia renovável, diz CEO
#Petrobras #jeanpaulprates #Equinor #negocios #forbesmoney
In all areas of the Brazilian society, from the far left to the far right, there is, since like forever, a tendency to idealize #Petrobras as some kind of national treasure. We’ll here we go - it’s actually one of the top twenty companies responsible for carbon emissions worldwide. #decarbonize #StopOilandGas
#Petrobras #decarbonize #StopOilandGas
Imperial Beach’s lawsuit alleges the oil giants committed fraud by covering up research showing that burning fossil fuels destroys the environment. The industry then lied about the evidence for climate change for decades, deliberately delaying efforts to curb carbon emissions.
The city’s lawsuit was among the first of a wave of litigation filed by two dozen municipalities and states across the US that could cost the fossil-fuel industry billions of dollars in compensation for the environmental devastation and the deception.
Mayor Dedina says his minority majority community of about 27,000 cannot begin to afford the tens of millions of dollars it will cost to keep at bay the waters bordering three sides of his financially strapped city. The worst of recent storms have turned Imperial Beach into an island.
One assessment calculated that, without expensive mitigation measures, rising sea levels will eventually flood its two schools and overwhelm its drainage system.
Imperial Beach’s annual budget is $20m. Exxon’s chief executive, Darren Woods, was paid more than $15m last year.
Research shows that executives in the oil industry have a high percentage of psychopaths and sociopaths. (O'Hare). And this is their reaction https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/16/imperial-beach-california-exxon-mobil-climate-crisis
Instead of compensation they sue people who are just and right. I call it fossil fuel terrorism
I and my friends believe BigOil is largely responsible and in our view must compensate for the damage of the past 40 years to nature and the environment.
So people worldwide should organize and file class action lawsuits against #Chevron, #Shell , #BP, #Conoco Philips, #Exxon, #Aramco, #Petrobras, #Gazprom and many others #Rockefeller! #COP27 #greenpeace #UN #Avaaz
#chevron #shell #bp #Conoco #exxon #aramco #Petrobras #gazprom #rockefeller #cop27 #greenpeace #un #avaaz