@thecarfactoids @vitaminsludge @timfoster I would say that emissions and safety legislation (which I think are largely a good thing) have made VERY small cars uneconomical and difficult to produce. Small cars, like the still very much work IMHO.

This was my delectable rental earlier this year. Base model.


Last updated 1 year ago

@Mark Peugeot in France offers this stunning mustard metallic color as a no cost option on the base model .

This was my rental when I visited earlier this year. It costs €18,240 new, *including* 20% sales tax, so the list price in the πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ would be €15,200, or about $16,300.


Last updated 1 year ago

Max Riethmuller (TechLife) · @techlife
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