Do you want to join our team and help develop new Materials for the #Quantum Age?
Antonija Grubišić-Čabo, Anna Isaeva, Petra Rudolf and Mark Golden in #Groningen and #Amsterdam are looking for a #PhD student to work on Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) of topological quantum materials.
#PhDPositions #physics #qumat #work #phd #amsterdam #groningen #quantum
Do you want to join our team and help develop new Materials for the Quantum Age?
Sander Otte in Delft is looking for a PhD student to work on Tailoring complex magnetic order at surfaces and interfaces.
#delft #physics #qumat #PhDPositions #phd
Do you want to join our team and help develop new Materials for the Quantum Age?
Sander Otte in Delft is looking for a PhD student to work on Tailoring complex magnetic order at surfaces and interfaces.
#delft #physics #qumat #PhDPositions #phd
Do you want to join our team and help develop new Materials for the Quantum Age?
Floris Zwanenburg in Twente is looking for a PhD student to work on Quantum transport in GeSi heterostructures.
#physics #qumat #twente #PhDPositions #jobopportunity
Do you want to join our team and help develop new Materials for the Quantum Age?
Floris Zwanenburg in Twente is looking for a PhD student to work on Quantum transport in GeSi heterostructures.
#physics #qumat #twente #PhDPositions #jobopportunity